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Everything posted by siucsaluki11

  1. Just got a call from a buddy who i went to acoustic edge with whos workin for a shop. Needs a design for 4 15 L7s in a 2dr 96 hoe. Going to just be a mean daily setup. Im thinkin 12-15 cubes, subs up port back. its gunna be beast. Thing is. I was told all i had for depth was 33" from seat to tailgate. Shit, my blazer has 35" so is that right? I know its got more width to work with, but damn. that just sounds shallow, may have to run subs up port up.
  2. I give up, hes hopeless, its easier to talk to a brick wall.
  3. WOW...... :01nocomment8so: I stayed out of the last thread you posted cuz i thought you finally understood, turns out i was wrong. Would you put gas in a diesel? NO. Would you run a 10 and an 18 in the same box? NO. Would you run 2 woofers that ARE NOT THE SAME in the same box ever? NO. Get it through your head. IT WONT WORK. Youre just begging to hurt your equipment if you do this. Just be patient and save up and get 2 new ones at the same time. Otherwise, buy a old used one. OR Buy a new one, sell the old, buy another new. Hey now theres a novel idea. /annoyed post
  4. Just something ive noticed on the forums and idk if anyone has brought it up. People say congrats when something you payed for arrives at your door like it should. BUt they are congratulating you on your purchasing a quality product. Its almost like congratulating someone when their child is delivered, lol. Then again, my stereo is my baby. Cant wait to save up for some 18s of some sort.
  5. What class would that be? LOL. Bet you could get some sick nasty :hairtrick: :hairtrick: :hairtrick: though i hear ya Thats where im at. Dont have the moneyto do a new system cuz some shit with the bank got fucked up so i closed my account, so for the time being i think im gunna just build a new box.
  6. St. Charles IL here. NW Burbs, just south of elgin, about 10 miles north of aurora.
  7. hope its sealed up, that bondo might not last long with the vibrations. Also if its not sealed up well you may get a bit of leaking, but thats where silicone comes in.
  8. Ive heard a few setups with HDC3s in them, 15s and 18s. They got loud, low AND sounded good.
  9. shit is better than drugs, just more addicting and in some cases more expensive, lol. I love car audio. Since im a brokeass, and am horrible at saving money, when the desire to get louder first hit i just built a ported box. From there i built a new box, got louder, and got a new amp, and now since its gunna be alil while till i can afford some 15s or an 18 i think im gunna just keep buildin new boxes (starting with a T-line) and see how loud i can make what i got, see what works best in my car and what not.
  10. name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>"> name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350">
  11. Man idk what to tell ya. Avoid that song? I got a few songs i used to avoid when i had my subs in a different box. Built a new box, dont have to avoid them anymore. I cant get the vid to go past like 10 sec for some reason, so i cant tell. How low is the note youre having issues with? Is it in any other songs you listen to?
  12. its out of phase because the sound waves are not perfectly alligned, which is what you need for a Tline
  13. 50 Hz 0 dB is the tone youre supposed to use. An O-Scope is the ideal way to set your gains, but not everyone can afford one/has one. On a tone its alot easier to hear when its clipping. All of the sudden it seems like it got alot louder than before, youre clipping, in my experience. I had access to an O-scope when i set mine, but before i did, i used a DMM and set my gains using ohms law to see what the output voltage should be. Then i backed it off a fuzz.
  14. Thought i saw a vid where i think it was steve, but i could be wrong, plugged a BTL 18 into the wall and it didnt even get warm that fast iirc. But i saw someone else say they get warm.
  15. by aligned i mean this vs not aligned From what i understand, the subs must be aligned to stay in phase otherwise its gunna sound like shit.
  16. and i gotta get off for a bit, computer needs to be charged.
  17. 4 subs in a T-line is going to be huge. What kinda jeep is it? Safe to say be prepared to lose the back seats or wall it off i would assume. the subs must all be alligned with one another and your port is going to be = to that of the cone area. Ill do one for ya, its gunna cost ya a bit though. And im not so sure its going to fit in your car, id need the max dimmensions the box could be. If i cant make it work, you dont get charged, simple as that. You wont get charged for just the design, once you get the cutsheet and dimmensions, its no longer free though.
  18. Well, this one works. Took forever and a day but i got it uploaded onto youtube. Not the best vid, not the best song for my system, not the best cam. But ill take it. On airforces i can hit a 139 on the TL, and for bein a kinda budget system/2nd incarnation of my first system, im happy with it. Im sure with a bigger port id be around 140, maybe a bit higher. name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>"> name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350">will get more/better vids up once i get home.
  19. havent built it. Not sure im going to. From my understanding it takes quite a bit to do a hairtrick. I may build it for shits and giggles. But i may be selling my current setup to get an 18 and a new amp
  20. none, a t=line is all port. Otherwise youll just have a big ass ported box. A tline for 4 12s or 2 15s will be huge. The one i designed for my 2 12s was gigantic, so im just gunna go with a single 18.
  21. I got acid refulx, and on a bad day, the bass makes it worse. Been on prevacid since i was 16, im 20 now, almost 21. Its a bitch when i got heartburn and i wanna bump my music.
  22. Fuckin youtube takes so long to upload, i was gunna do it now, but i may have to wait. I got some vids of my system the way it used to be on PhotoBucket. Please excuse the ghetto install for thats honestly what it was. When i did that stuff, i really had no idea what i was doin, i made it fit and made it work. Ugly as hell, sounded good though. Vids of my system the way it is now should be up the 12th or 13th. Ill post links to the ones on PB for now. The oldest vids are from when the box was sealed link to vids>>>> http://s243.photobucket.com/albums/ff45/si...iafilter=videos
  23. shit, i dont think we got one of those around me, lol. And ya, i probably couldda kept a cooler head, but when it comes to that, i can only take so much. So now im stuck in MO on vaca with no cigarettes. I think im gunna go insane.
  24. Lookin for an 18 to handle 1500-2k daily. LV4XL, HDC3, AA Havoc to name a few. I have 2 clarion PXW1251s and a Kenwood KDC-9104D, a .5f cap, set of 6.5" MTX 2 way coaxials. These thigns im tearing out of my car when i do my new system. Cant put up pics seeing as im 8 hrs from my car atm. Well, i have pics, no name and date though.
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