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Everything posted by SPLGEO


    Hifonics DOA

    I can tell it likes power. Its going strong now. I will have to see about the amps later on.
  2. I've only installed a radio in one. I can help with that.

    Hifonics DOA

    Yes, but i was tring o be safe at first, 1 amp per voice coil, but now that i see its working pretty well, I may just stay with it. How "safe" would teh Herc be running on a dual 1 ohm sub in serries.

    Hifonics DOA

    Ya, thats what i was thinking. Some say that tehy are the same internally. This is problemy what i am going to do. the the amp down. until i can save up for something better, maybe a herc. and for the compatations turn it back up.

    Hifonics DOA

    I just gotoff teh phone with sonic about this. They are out of teh TX amps. all they have left are the Brutus amps.. so its either 1 tx at 1/2 and ohm or a tx and a brutus at 1 ohm each.

    Hifonics DOA

    thats all the money I had at the time. Christmas present from my parents. It shoudl be ok where it is now. WIll it be any louder if i get the other amp and put on on each voil coil?

    Hifonics DOA

    I am I have not seen it go above 1.5 ohms yet

    Hifonics DOA

    so its best just go get a new tx amp, and have each at .7 ohms? will it be any louder?

    Hifonics DOA

    I tried that, its teh same ground as teh other one, I swapped teh wires even. Then I have this little 12v latern battery hooked it to that voltmeter said +12 volts and still in protect, I swapped possiones of teh amps still nothing. I guess sonic will be getting an amp back. Also ehar another question, The amp is 1 ohm stable, teh sub is wire for a half (.35) ohm load and its takeing it fine. Teh orginal plan was an amp per voil coil. Impedence rise will knok it down to 2-3 ohms. Will butting both amps on there at 1 ohm each but any louder then the 1 amp at .35 ohms.???
  10. SPLGEO

    Hifonics DOA

    I Orded 2 hifonics tx1505d. One amp will not go out of protect, RAC's unpluged, and speaker wires unplugged. ITS STILL IN PROTECT. COrrect me if i am wrong but i belive its an internal problem. The other one is wired up to teh BTL at .35 ohms, and its taken it like a champ
  11. :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2: :clown2:
  12. Either I want an a formal appoligie or something from "alpine" that is my work that i did for him. That is plagrise. Just liek writing a paper. If you don;t site your sources you get kicker out of the school. or possibly sued for it.
  13. Thats my design by the way... I did it for him so he could see what it looks like.. theif.. Everything on theres was to show a basic idea for the box nothing more, nothing less
  14. also that calculater factors in tunning too I like it for a good reference.. I belive i have sugested it to several people as a starter.
  15. I've seen cops around here already,and people putting up new mail boxes. its a sad world we live in when people can't respect one persons things that they've spent money on... AND DISERVE THROUGH MONEY.... everyone diserves what they buy.
  16. it was rusted when i got it.... but o well it was fine before had..
  17. One of the people I know who gots his mail box bashed up. Has alittle plane. Steel tube poor concrate down into it, and then use planks of woods to make it look like a 4x4 post. this should be fun. ;D
  18. I'll grab a pic of the busted light... its about $150 for a new set. The stock ones just got put back on. Also in the newspaper they said over 3 dozen mail boxes got busted, and that car were also spray paint :ranting2: police will be potralling the street for every night until teh catch them. Not only did the light bust but I put a roll pna on there and bondoed it to make it smooth and teh bondoes all craked now. I'll grap teh pics in about 4 hours
  19. I wook up this moring and i found that teh carbon euro on my dads(my old) truck were busted out :angry03:
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