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Everything posted by skittlesRgood

  1. Time to come back out so we can make some more vidz next time we go to tahoe i'll see if we can come by and visit.
  2. this is a treasure I brought back from my grandfather's shop when we cleaned it all out (he made it). because it was just suggested in a recent thread, if n8 was going to have a ban hammer in his sig or avatar, i would be honored if it was this one. ill stage it however you want.
  3. it'll probably be ok for what you are running unless you got really cheap CCA (copper clad aluminum) 8awg. upgrade to 4awg if you can. if you think you might ever upgrade amps in the future to higher powered stuff then just go with 0awg now. itll save you money in the long run.
  4. LMAO I didn't want to be the one to say it. I don't like ragging on other peoples equipment but you sir are right. wasnt trying to be a dick about it, just trying to help the guy out. we all bought cheap shit and lived to regret it and one point.
  5. i can tell you this rite now, everyone here will tell you NOT to get anything made by pyle or dual. they are shitty brands producing shitty products. that being said, you're lucky if you get 600w out of both those pyle amps so you should be fine with stock electrical. if you ground your amps to the chassis then i would definitely do the big 3.
  6. $67 for a sub you could put 500w to... thats not a bad deal at all.
  7. lol yes she does. she's been a little surprised by the comments on youtube lol.
  8. what is there to miss? it wont work because there wont be enough electrical. its powered off of batteries. so we said the same thing you did. and a battery that could power a car and a system for 6 hours (if one existed) wont cost you $1000. neither will "a lot" of batteries lol. itll cost a hell of a lot more than that.
  9. i have wondered about this as well but it really doesnt look possible. even on a hybrid where an alternator exists, the engine isnt on all the time. the electric car market is not for us.
  10. if it looks that brutal you have no idea about how brutal it is inside the van it hurts i think this will be the best demo van out there once its done i think this van will shut down any show it goes to. everyone will be crowded around the van and forget they are there to compete.
  11. lol she was a trooper. i told her it was ok to plug her ears if she needed to. she has never heard anything anywhere near this loud before and she "doesnt like loud noises" but she still took it like a champ. i love when the hair settles and the front of her head is completely covered in hair lol.
  12. hairtricks, thats right. Team Bassick visited Reno for the new year and my GF forgot her hairdryer so i found her one, DCaudio style.
  13. lol well there is one blues guy i see. ill check those out. here a little list of artists i heard one or two songs from since i posted this and ill be checking them out more. Albert castiglia lonnie brooks long john hunter phillip walker james solberg jimmy thackery albert cummings matt schofield too slim and the taildraggers
  14. I'm discovering the blues now and enjoying what I have found so far but I dont know anything about that genre. I like the more uptempo type of stuff. the song "been down hearted" by BB king in the end of The Blues Brothers got me wanting to explore this genre so thats the style im looking for. I seem to be really liking most of Tab Benoit's stuff. You guys got some artists you can drop to get me started? I cant wait to listen to this stuff in my car! lol
  15. use that power supply without a battery. it will be fine. any good power supply will be made to be able to do its max rated power all day long. i deal with server power supplies at work so its something i know a little about. they take in 110-220v and output 14v dc so its the same thing you are trying to do. and like i said, its what i use myself.
  16. i just looked up that kinetik piece you linked and thats not a charger, its a power supply. you seem to have put "power supply" and "charger" into the same category in the OP. and it outputs 13.6v not the 14+ you care about for some reason. dont use a battery with that, or any, power supply. but yes, i would advise you get a power supply.
  17. Been doing it for a year now...nothing has gone wrong yet. =P It's never plugged unless I'm supervising it...but I guess it's not wise for me to be posting fire hazard stuff, I suppose. didnt mean you, i was talking to the OP who said he was going to draw 80 amps. i have no idea what you use
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