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Everything posted by juanharu

  1. u need to trick it out then get some ninety year old ladie(around 80) to ride around in it and see wat peoples reactions are D:
  2. ive never seena body out of a funeral...............probaly wierd the hell outa me tho O_O
  3. i keep trying to add it up but i dont know how ur coming out with 5 cubic feet? im doing somethign rong some were does any one have a guide for adding this up or a program or somehting i want to make me a custom box but im not sure how this stage of it goes.
  4. hod do u calculate that?(not teh cubic feet the tune?)
  5. i made this its probaly has no practicle use with this designs because i have no idea wat im doing.....but im gona post any way D: (the hole for the sub is 18 inches)(also its half a box with the full top)(first attempt)
  6. or u could buy one out of a store ioi.....................ive never heard of many people buidling there own home theater set up.....and how big is ur room?
  7. o-o the wife part was sarcastic....................any way if u ever heard of chris pirello he has 2 30 inchers thats just to much screen wat would u do with it O_O............there 15 hundred dollars so i doubt im getting any time soon xD but i would love 3 of them
  8. i must have miss read the diagram............my gramps got a 52 for a small ass room xD its nice tho he got a sony with the blu ray....he got these little speakers with the blu ray but dam they sound like its its acuually happening.........we watched batman and glass broke in the movie u had to check the window to see if it was the movie or not xD i would have liked a bigger sub with the system but its sweet he put it in the loft with a computer in teh same room so there not much settign room. i bet ur wife would love a 30 inch moniter..........thats higher than 1080p....its mind blowing :hairtrick:
  9. 500 dollars u could just buy a computer and mount it in there or hide it and that would do everything O_O.....wouldnt it im new and i was just thinking of that might be a cheaper deal.....depends but idk im a noooooooooooooooob @_@
  10. speaking of wall sockets i had some fun with wall sockets use a printer cord a computer fan........sparks shot acorss the room i was about to shit my pants lol :censored:
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