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Everything posted by matt402

  1. id go with the 9k. u would have to wire the 12k lower to get the same power from it.
  2. id go for a single 7.5k =]. (think 9k's are sold out again )
  3. Level 2 and 3s are out of stock. DRIVE TO THE SHOP.
  4. got D2 coils so if im running 1 amp .5 if its 2 amps 1ohm each OR .5 strapped for burps =] .
  5. did u remember to subtract the volume of the subs also?
  6. lvl 3 18s are custom built to order. pm rusty. i do like the 8 8's idea tho...
  7. ok. just sayin 2 18s dont need a ton of space & 50-52 should be doable in the cargo area without a wall =].
  8. just curious why u would be walling 2 18s & near the b pillar...?
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