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Everything posted by VistaV6

  1. Its up in mooresville NC, any of you NC guys wanna chill up there with me this weekend on saturday?? I don't know if there is anybody on here from NC lol...I wish I lived in cali...
  2. I might not enter just because I would hate to look like too much a noob...but I havn't ever heard anything louder than my 2 12's really....in a prefab sealed box....in a trunk....so I am thinking I will be in for some new discoveries..
  3. I have one...but just saying, this is a really good h/u.
  4. http://www.mecacaraudio.com/2009mecarulebook/
  5. So, theres a car show/spl competition semi-close to where I live, and I was going to go and check out all the rides...but I decided that I might enter my walmart 10" just for giggles. So the classes are determined by inline fusing amperage x 10 + total woofer cone surface area in square inches I have a 30 amp fuse so I have 300 now...but I am just feeling stupid today, how would I calculate the total cone area? Also, the box that it came in is tuned @ 57 hz (lol)...what would be the best music to play?
  6. Fire department??? My car is auto so I have troubles with burnouts, so I dont do em . The only time I ever thought about reporting some1 to the cops was I was at Lowes (hardware) and this chick in a little red Kompressor drives right through the parking lot, parks horrible in a handicap space, and gets out, and walks in like shes worth a million bucks into the store. Pissed me off so much. Note: No handicap license plate, and no handicap sticker...WOMAN DRIVERS :shot:
  7. If some1 can find a link for a good one, let me know. Just play money man for now though, best bass (my fav anyway) song ever, almost broke a couple of my subs lol.
  8. I have become rather educated in this topic because I was trying to do the same thing....1500 watts on stock 90 amp? will def. not be to good, probably just kill your car in general lol...if an alt isnt too big of a deal for you, grab one from DC power...but if that is a big deal, tone down the gains some and put some more batts in your trunk and and up front.
  10. I find it hard to believe that it wont stick to your windshield with some form of an adhesive.
  11. I shoot a DM8....I used to be way more into it, its just a casual hobby now. and sweet on PSP chicago.
  12. Lol way to change your mind after building that awesome box lol.
  13. lol @ thermometer and voltmeter in the same thing.
  14. it is a cigarette lighter, except I just was saying I wanted a stinger one really.
  15. Exactly what I was going to do, can't find an old plug though... Thats the one that I found...But I wanna put it on the plug on my dash, and a stinger one glowing blue along with my pioneer is what I would like/
  16. Ok so, I swear that I have seen a couple videos of people with volt meters plugged in where their cigarette lighters are, does any1 know if there is one out there? I actually saw a couple but they weren't meant for car audio. If not, any1 know if I could hook one up to the lighter somehow?
  17. Ehh, I mean, every1 has to start somewhere, I bought my first thing on ebay like 10 mins ago.
  18. damn dude I am glad your stuff is safe, I hate thieves.
  19. Hey guys, just got through a day playin speedball, just wondering if anyone else here plays paintball in any form at all?
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