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Everything posted by Ji553r

  1. gonna bang like always psyph! any ETA you can say yet?!
  2. its up to you i would set mine anywhere from 24-27 and low pass around 8 0. yes keep bass boost at 0 and no it doesnt matter what freq boost it is if its not on
  3. are you talking about multiplying your desired power by ohm load then sqaure rooting with the DMM? and are you talking about the sub sonic filter for your amp?
  4. what do you have gain set at and head unit volume when testing? also it may be that one wire ( + and - ) for both subs. try each sub in parallel to its own speaker output on the amp with its own wire then the amp will auto make it a 2nd parallel onnection for your 1 ohm load
  5. interesting but it got annoying saying "Listen" in my head so many times. the beginning of ;every description is listen listen listen. shoulda been written better but look at me rant this isnt about the dialogue its about the tunez which i think is a cool study. over and out
  6. your hobby? pics or its not true. have any more outstanding audio pics?
  7. x2 its like mega ultra HD edit: lol and because the pics are so good we can all see 2 really dirty sundowns! clean them babies off and make em shine too!!!
  8. whats IIRC i see that everywhere here but cant piece it together
  9. yeah gamestop is garbage when it comes to that just like that pawn starz..."mike this is worth probably 5000$" ok customer how much you want for it? well the appraiser said 5000$. "yeah ill give you 1500". i mean come on i myself would never agree to anything like that. to OP just ebay or craiglist it would probably be best unless you can find somebody locally that really wants one
  10. there was just a spam thread...i reported it and was about to post in it making fun of him but saw it was already given the boot. well for the members that already posted in there making fun of him does it erase that post and therefore the post number too? not the biggest deal in the world its just a number but im just curious
  11. wow thats intense! to lighten things up a bit i cant believe chicken hill productions asked you to leave (CHP) lol
  12. if thats specifically what the tech said then yes turn it up as far as you can if you do blow anything it is not on your chest and AQ should take care of it. of course though theres going to be somebody to say "dont be cheap and just o scope it its the only way you are goin to know" which is true but....
  13. hey i was in trippis thread saw your post and just got to thinkin, your pic is that just of you and 2 friends chillin by a parking lot or are you looking at something specific like a police chase or somebody bassing. sorry if somebody already asked it just gets to me trying to figure out whats goin on lol
  14. easiest way is add stickers not only do they add 10ish hp each its rumored they give an extra 2-3 DBzzz
  15. saving up some funds as i type already. thank you
  16. will be contacting you soon then! just fyi its the 2.4L not the 3.0 v6 that you have stated on the website
  17. just follow this guys advice... lol i had to bring it up....no but seriously if you dont want to have a huge budget it will take experience and knowledge and lots of it edit: and i have none of those three lol
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