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Everything posted by Destram

  1. Totally off topic, but you sold the 5s, Logan? What are you using now?
  2. I doubt it does 1200w @ 1 ohm, and the L5s are 750w each. You'd be underpowering them. Get a good amp.
  3. Delete your PMs. I tried sending you one and couldn't.

  4. Logan said they're not linkable and that I'd need to buy a maxxlink. Know anything about those?
  5. Gotta get the amps first! I've got the money for two of the four, so I should be ordering them soon.
  6. And it's here. On to the pics..what you all wanna see!
  7. Nah, I'll be sticking with these. The 5s and amps to power them are out of my price range. I'll do work with the 4XLs. Haha, yeah. They should be here in a few hours with my last one.
  8. Yeah, it is. I love it. I really wanted the level 5s, but I just don't have the power for them, and I'm not spending that kind of money lol. This should be plenty for me.
  9. The Blazer will be in for a treat when I get it all done. I can't wait.
  10. Biggest motor I've seen yet. I love it. FedEx only dropped off 3 yesterday..the 4th will be here today, and I'll get pics of them all then.
  11. Man, I'd be all over this, but I can't find a single show within driving distance around Alabama.
  12. Jack has a for sale thread here..he still has one 4XL 15" left..check him out.
  13. Dang, that's the first time I've liked red underbody lights. Those look good. And yeah, I was super happy to get them for $42..gotta love eBay! And yeah, I'm talking about this round button on the left here: I thought it was under the scroll wheel..woops.
  14. Edit: iPhone double post. Also, I learned this trick with my first S10 Xtreme to turn off the lights when it's running. I can't remember the button inside but it's on the left under the little scroll wheel that adjusts the dash lights. Hit that button like 4 times in a row and all the lights shut off and the truck will ding. Do it again to turn them back on. No clue why it's like that but it works.
  15. Man, I was going to buy a set from a guy at the s10 forums and he sold them to someone else. What a douche. Your blue lights look awesome! I really like it. @Street: yours might not be so bright because they're white. Mine are bright green. Maybe it's the brand too..Street Glow might not be the best. Lol
  16. Logan seems to be pretty happy with his AP 3000s on his Level 5s.
  17. Up next: four AudioPipe 30001Ds. I've got a big chunk of change coming up in the next few weeks that will hopefully be enough to buy the amps. After that, it's all smaller stuff except batteries and dual alts.
  18. Just bought four 15" Level 4XLs off jack. I can't wait to get them! Pics will most definitely come when they arrive.
  19. I thought about that, but the foam didn't look that thick. I suppose that's the way it is, though, because the motor has to be bigger than the level 5.
  20. Sexy, but in these pictures, the motor looks smaller than the level 5 next to it.
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