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Everything posted by rusty959

  1. Similar but not exactly the same... Ive got an iphone 3gs 32 gig ill be selling soon...
  2. Then stop lying on your profile and change your birthday In other news, if you now all of the sudden have to have your permit for over 6 months causing you to get your license late, how long would it have been before?
  3. so what happens with the v1 if you have a wall? would the rear sensor still be of any use?
  4. yeup, it did pull right off. Thanks for the help guys, much appreciated. now hopefully this drive isn't bad....
  5. So I am trying to help a friend recover some data from an old laptop he has. Unfortunately I am unable to figure out what kind of interface it uses. A link to the replacement hard drive (here) shows ata 100, but that definitely doesn't look like ata 100 to me. Any help anyone can give would be much appreciated.
  6. Incase anyone sees this, I was able to find someone who had it. though it doesn't have the utility, we went ahead and ordered it anyways.
  7. Im about to build a computer for a friend and have been looking at windows 7 home for him, but need to know if it still has the same disk management/create and format hard disk partitions as my windows 7 pro does. Google results are inconclusive, so if anybody has 7 home and doesn't already know, could you just click start>type partition and tell me if something called "create and format hard disk partitions" comes up? Thanks
  8. I kill a mouse weekly.... :/ As long as you consider dropping a mouse into an aquarium to be eaten killing I guess....
  9. epic fail. Are you meaning replace just the wire and use the same ends? I guess it would be nice to know why he is needing a new wire in the first place... to the OP: what broke on it?
  10. What os are you using? Right now my xp 32 bit laptop only recognizes 3 of mine... seems like 3.5 might have been what my desktop saw when I was using the 32 bit version of 7 though... You would need to have the 64 bit version of whatever os you are using to make use of the rest of your ram if you aren't already.
  11. well hey, you are the one who told me to post them... lol, jk To be honest I almost feel it was somewhat of a waste of money... I have nothing that can max this thing out. even crysis full tilt doesn't even make it break a sweat it seems.
  12. Might as well I guess. Current setup: intel i7 (920) (stock cooling until funds come in the summer, thus stock clocks until then. i7's run freaking hot... Plans are for a chilled liquid cooling setup) evga x58 3x SLI board 6 gb mushkin ram (don't remember the clocks, I can look it up if you want it though) evga GTX285 74 GB WD Raptor 10k rpm HD some seagate 320 GB HD 3 750 GB WD caviar black HD's soon to be another 1.5 TB or so HD space since Im out of space... Thermaltake Armor II case silverstone zeus 750 watt PSU
  13. Nice. Looks like a pretty nice system. Id throw my specs up on here but I don't want to threadjack, lol
  14. Those amd 3000+'s were some nice overclockers... I had one back in the day. Took mine from the standard 1.8 ghz I think it was to 2.2x on stock cooling and then 2.4x on water without changing anything but the clocks. (no voltage changes etc) What is in your current system? Anyways, nice looking rigs.
  15. Yea this song definitely hits. Im not quite sure where I got it from but I found it on my ipod one day... Now its one of my preferred demo songs.
  16. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematical_fallacy Check under division by 0
  17. Anyone who said yes either has no clue what they are talking about (atleast with nitro engines) or are trying to make you seem like a noob. Why would they put the time energy etc into putting those massive pipes on there if there wasn't a reason? I mean try it if you want, as long as its a short time it "shouldn't" hurt anything too badly, you will just have a leaned out engine that can't make power though. Im speaking from experience here, the headers on the revo sucks a fat one, ive broken multiple.
  18. First, this would be better in big boy toys or whatever its called, not a big deal though. Second, r/c forums would be better, though there are some r/c people on here... Third, no, never run open headers on a nitro r/c truck. Those engines use a tuned pulse coming back from the pipe to help compress etc the mixture in the cylinder. That is one of the main reasons a pipe can make a big difference in the powerband the engine has.
  19. Ive got a revo 2.5. (and have/had some others like a rustler and some mini-t's) Now it just sits around since im in college.
  20. as others have already commented in by now, it just seemed like it wasn't even trying that hard. Largely the exhaust of course, but still. Impressive.
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