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Watch the bass

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Everything posted by Watch the bass

  1. Nice tennisballtrick and oldschoolstuff on ur pics in ur album (Orion MBR 70).
  2. What do u think about Sundown SA 10 them have a presale on them in the Sundownsection.
  3. After the presell them go in normal sale and prices would be 10 $ higher than on the presale. And normal price is 119 $ + shipping
  4. If im right them aviable since the last days, look the sundownthread, beefiest 8´s ive ever seen.
  5. take both 1500 or the 3000 = 1600 real power Watts + you have a high resellguarantee with a good price if you dont want them any more.
  6. Click Sundown Audio Dealers/Internetdealers/dBr electronics them have 2 refurbished SAZ 1500 D and a 3000 D in offer.
  7. Poissening the earth with overcrowding 1850 people on earth 2010 6.900.000.000 people, pairred with gettin 1 generation older. Our grangrandparents died in a age between 55-60, our average age would be 77-83. Lot more people and a lot of more age. More power and time to polute the world with poissons.
  8. How many amps are 1130 Watts at 12.5 volt is = ...? And what gauge is right??? 1/0 gauge is right, electrical saftynes is one of the most important thinks in caraudio, in case of carbeque.If he shared the power in the trunk with a fuseblock to 4 gauge is ok for each amp.
  9. I would by the island, where my system + the girls + the drinks and other happymakers + the good guys is on the beach, all night long, dreamer.
  10. Nonsens, 1 run 1/0 gauge is right gauge for over these amps, together over 1000 watts, and if the 750.1 rund on 4 Ohm 1/0 gauge is still right.
  11. Switch to the cigaretts from untreated tobaco, where no aromizers, helpers for burning faster and espacialy no ammonia on (ammonia is the mystik of Marlboro). Ammonia imitate nikotin but it come doublefast in ur blood so u got more adicction to smoke. I switche vew years ago and i reduce my cigarettesmokin for a half from one day to another.
  12. Get it for urself, be australian second skin representer.
  13. Good against cold turkey is, 2 or 3 short footwlaks a day must not be longer than 20 minutes each, all kind of physical action, throw at home ur ashtrays away, eat healthy with a lot of grains, ur stomic will need it in the next days, have something where the fingers can play like a small spikey massage ball, stop hangin arround with smoking people/friends.
  14. Dont push with a bigger woofer to the small ones. And there is no realy diffrence to work with 12 and 10´s. U can build box with a 15 or 18 woofer for the lows and 8´s or 10´s for hard kicking midbass. But for good kicking midbass better to place 8´s in the doors. In case only the lows the ear cant locate.
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