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Status Replies posted by KillaCam

  1. how do you apply for system of the month????

  2. Sometimes, you just have to scream FUCK at the top of your lungs!

  3. well off to order me 4 horn tweets, 4 8 inch subs, 2 6.5 inch mids, and maybe more. so Steve Benton can here my music a lot better lol.

  4. Isn't it ironic the woman I wanna marry is a wedding planner but then tells me life is too much and moves to Atlanta.... Lol XD

  5. what does that term actually mean, "friends with benefits"?does he provide her with health insurance?

  6. I'm in the computer lab. The guy next to me is watching music view on YouTube. What am I doing? Studying for calculus. Whose wasting their education? Not this guy!

  7. MuscleMilk is the best mixing protein powder out there and it's tastes great!

  8. MuscleMilk is the best mixing protein powder out there and it's tastes great!

  9. Whats on my mind.... Well for starters, America is screwed literally.

  10. Torn DC level 4 m1 12'' for 75 bucks.. thoughts?

  11. Torn DC level 4 m1 12'' for 75 bucks.. thoughts?

  12. Torn DC level 4 m1 12'' for 75 bucks.. thoughts?

  13. Quisa me tarde una vida tratando k t enamores, tal ves gaste cada minuto de mi dia en ti pensando, por que cada segundo que paso a tu lado hace que todo el tiempo tenga sentido.. probablemente este perdiendo mi tiempoo pero no ai una mejor manera de gastarlo que intentando hacerte sonrreir, hacer lo posible que seas feliz.... Aunque tu felicidad no sea a mi lada crel k nunka me aatreverre a decirtelo frente a frente, pues prefiero vivir este sueño cada noche, a que me quieras olvidar...

  14. Happy Birthday to me

  15. Everything is purple.....swag everything is purple.....swag....swag....swag

  16. Think I'm going gold

  17. New eastbound and down tonight!

  18. Somebody loan me $520, please.

  19. Somebody loan me $520, please.

  20. Somebody loan me $520, please.

  21. Need some rebuild moniez.

  22. Profile views: 1494Boys: 645 Girls: 849Check yours here:http://bit.ly/yKHYQf

  23. The Working Man Truly is a Sucker

  24. this girl just liked my picture, im gonna poke it

  25. Daaaamn dude got in a fight with one of my Co workers dude had a knife hangin out his pocket....

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