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Status Updates posted by RickyFriery97

  1. cant wait to get my XL 18" and my SMD-DD-1!!

  2. pre ordered my SMD DD-1, cant wait to get it :)

  3. ordered my audio technix sound deadner yesterday afternoon, got it today :)

  4. got some Audio Technix ordered

  5. cant decide what to buy next for my burban build, carpet or 1/0

    1. KnockinthaStreetzof608


      1/0 power before looks lol

  6. Want my XL 18" for my Hoe :(

  7. been a while since ive done a youtube vide, cant think of one to do, anyone have any ideas?

    1. blownengine


      Done any work on the system?

    2. RickyFriery97


      just a lil work on the box nothing video worthy...theres pics in the build log

  8. wanna work on my truck but im hungover as fuckkkkk

  9. wanna work on my truck but im hungover as fuckkkkk

  10. worked on my box for all of 5 min today!! lol ill knock the new bracing out tommorow

  11. worked on my box for all of 5 min today!! lol ill knock the new bracing out tommorow

  12. got a pretty decent amp rack built today for the DC 175.4...check out my burbans build log!

    1. blownengine


      Where are the videos!

  13. got a pretty decent amp rack built today for the DC 175.4...check out my burbans build log!

  14. Cnt decide between 4 XL 15"s or 18"s dues to space issues...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. RickyFriery97


      -matt, not really space issues, but the box i designed with the right port area i want and NET, is stupid tall lol almost 30 inches

    3. RickyFriery97


      ill make another video soon!!

    4. RickyFriery97


      ill make another video soon!!

  15. Cnt decide between 4 XL 15"s or 18"s dues to space issues...

  16. just pulled all the seats out of my suburban and rewired my speaker wires rcas and remote and cleaned it all up

  17. just pulled all the seats out of my suburban and rewired my speaker wires rcas and remote and cleaned it all up

  18. working on the burban!

    1. Autruche


      working on the scotch and tree beers.

  19. mmm cold brewski and some COD BO

  20. got 3 new youtube vids up check em out/...youtube.com/rickyfriery97

  21. got 3 new youtube vids up check em out/...youtube.com/rickyfriery97

  22. killswitch car show was badass! in the process of getting a vid up :)

  23. killswitch car show was badass! in the process of getting a vid up :)

  24. TGIF maybe ill finish my box this weekend lol

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