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Everything posted by Craig28

  1. you never know... they could be parachute sized granny panties. you could jump off of a building and use them as a parachute... ha
  2. she probably has gonorrhea or crabs or some nasty shit like that.
  3. get a burb or a navi. you can find some on teh cheapz and still get a good ride
  4. i was just about to say. coat the box with weatherproof paint too if you dont have a topper.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhcOWmjSBlg
  6. yeah man my new one is 32.xx. itunes did not work with one fuckin song
  7. yeeeeah. man im glad i built a new box and tuned it lower this shit bangs.
  8. they all played when i first put em on itunes though. as long as they still work on my ipod i dont care.
  9. almost probably 90% of the songs i downloaded from decafs zip keep getting fucked up on my itunes. a little ! shows up next to the song and it says it cant be played because the original version cant be found.
  10. "when i was overweight" hahahahahahahahahahahah
  12. i just bought an alex ovechkin stick and i just thought id make this. my favorite would have to be a tie between marian gaborik and alex ovechkin
  13. i saw a van that looked like a ufo that had all these weird lights and antennas and shit and the drivers were dressed up like aliens.. dj unks winnie the pooh car was on cribs today.
  14. the box i have right now built is around 36. i just wanna build a new one because i hurried through the last one and did it half assed. i think somewhere between 30-32 will be good.
  15. its the older kind. i have a few options on what i could put it in. most likely gonna go in a van though man. i would wall it off if i had the money, but i dont.
  16. would tuning a box to 30-32 hz be good to hit lows on screwed music but still be good with regular music? im trying to decide on what to tune a box to if i decide to build a better one for my xxx 15.
  17. oh fuck. for some reason i though he had four. fuck.
  18. sorry not trying to thread jack but wouldnt 1.9 cubes per sub would be 7.6 cubes total if you had 4 subs??
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