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S.O.T.M. Winner
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Status Replies posted by deepsilencer

  1. Finally got me a TL coming hopefully will have it by next weekend

  2. Well another Birthday down. Thanks for all the love today. Had a great dinner with my extended Ohana tonight. Nothing I enjoy more than having everyone together eating, drinking and talking story.

  3. WTF!!!! my phone restored itself and it isnt letting me activate my phone

  4. I hate driving other cars. Jus got a ticket for not having the lights on. My cars lights are automatic.

  5. How the hell do people commute in hardly moving traffic EVERY SINGLE DAY?? Spent 45 minutes going 5-10mph on the freeway and was seriously considering some Death Race type shit.

  6. Toasted my Jalapeno bagel then put garlic and herb spread, ham,turkey deli meat and slice of american cheese. OMG What a great way to start the morning at work.

  7. Almost 1k subscribers on youtube,I have 999 right now lol

    1. deepsilencer


      thanks bro,1k subscribers!!! whoot whoot!! lol thanks ken :)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. so bored, waiting for a couple woofer orders to show up and have some fun!

  9. Haven't done a status update in a while. Went to my first db drag show this season. Seeing how the season is almost over kind of silly I know. Its OK, I had fun. Next show in two weeks, we'll see what happens.

  10. I've never been around so many babies at once. Lol it's too loud

  11. blew one of my mayhem 18s on a dc 9k today,didnt last more than 10 seconds,got it on video.just waiting for soapbox to post it

    1. deepsilencer


      sub i blew it on purpose,it had a broken basket,i took everything out,selling the motor today online

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. Had my ipod on shuffle when Decafs Trap came on full tilt. The xl's do not enjoy 24hz in this box. Oops :)

    1. deepsilencer


      haha,reminds me back in forbiden fantasy when i played 16hz at full tilt by accident.poor mayhems

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  13. Well back to school this week. A little nervous about doing online classes but I hope it goes well.

    1. deepsilencer


      ahhh,gdluck.smd and facebook distracted me lol,so i struggled and failed a couple of courses.not a smart move i did back than

  14. I would love to upgrade my amp, but I need $$$. Dropped the price on the Hertz tweets http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/116894-bnib-hertz-ht-28-tweeters/ And I am taking offers on the Legattia's http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/117063-hat-legattia-l4-mids-taking-offers/

    1. deepsilencer


      you can always get the boost module,boost up your voltage when you're reving it above 1,000 and chills back to stock 13.8 when your foot is not on the pedal,only sucky part is that your battery light is going to be on forever till u decide to take it out

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  15. insurance is paying me 6k,what to buy now

    1. deepsilencer


      mario you're selling your system already and teejay? what are u up to now lol

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  16. Going to a wedding you know will last less than a year. what a way to waste your weekend

    1. deepsilencer


      lol hopefully my wedding doesnt end up like that

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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