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Everything posted by iceman1575

  1. Well, I wouldn't care to take 'em out, but I usually have my friends with me, plus my family sometimes. Also, if I ever meet a special lady friend, the front seat won't work because a custom console with a radio/scanner/CB/siren will go in the front middle... Plus it'd be interesting to see the look on their faces when they hear 8 8's & wonder where the fuck they are...
  2. Depending on subs being used, but i still doubt it. Even if you used 1/2 mdf or birch theres not enough clearence between the seat and rear cab wall, especially with the high surround roll on most "larger" 8s Yeah, I've seen a video somewhere of 4 SA-8's under the seat ported, and seen a video of one with 4 8's behind the back seat...
  3. Yeah, but yours is in the bed, and I'm trying to prevent any cutting & hide it all away...lol. I just don't know how they would work well together with different air spaces & separate boxes.
  4. I'm looking at buying a truck soon to replace my aging car. It's an '03 Silverado 1500 extended cab. I'm trying to decide how I want to go about with it. I've decided about 4 8's under the seat, but now I've seen videos of people installing 4 8's behind the seat, & I was thinking about combining both, if it would be possible (Amp placement would be decided later...possibly an insulated box inside the toolbox?). Would it be too insane to try something like that? I think it'd be interesting...Just thinking of ideas to keep the back seats in & still have bass...
  5. MSNBC Link: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/46072484/ns/technology_and_science-security/ Good, now everyone will shut the fuck up & move on with their lives...lol
  6. I thought about Alienware, but I've heard just as many bad things as good things. I know the 17" will be heavy, which is why I debated on the 15.3" version...Anyone else ever used MSI? I've heard they're better than most.
  7. I've been out of the tech scene for a while, but I'm going to be going to school again soon & I'm needing a new laptop (As we speak, my laptop is probably going to overheat after I post this, & I'm using a USB keyboard because half my keys do not work, period...) plus I want to get back into playing a few video games again. I'm wanting to get one that will be powerful enough a couple years down the road when Windows 237823974 or whatever comes out ( ). Right now, I've narrowed my best choice down to the MSI DT780DXR (probably the 447US model here). Reasons: Quad-Core (Overclockable?) Processor Plenty of RAM High-End Gaming Video Card Hard Drive Space (I have an additional 1TB USB 3.0 hard drive if I need more...lol) Large Bright Screen (from reviews) Illuminated Backlit keyboard (Perfect for dark environments, DJ gigs, etc.) Any other choices in the price range? I'm open to just about anything...Mainly going to be playing SC2, FSX, CS:S, BF3, etc, nothing too fancy...lol. Thanks in advance!
  8. Some of the guys at the firehouse were talking about an in-house sound system for music/paging/radio traffic, etc. Just throwing ideas out there. Here's our current plan: Radioshack 250w Amplifier (yes, cheap @ $89 on eBay) Mic 1 - TV/Training Room Intercom mic Mic 2 - Truck Bay Intercom mic (both for paging) Mic 3 - New VHF Digital Radio audio input Mic 4 - Old UHF Analog Radio audio input CD - Music (either computer or radio) The two buildings are separate. We're thinking about splitting the audio up, with the left channel powering the speakers (some cheap outdoor 5.25" speakers from PE) in the training/TV room/office, and the right channel powering speakers in the truck bay/gear room. Now, the only problem is, we don't want music talking over the radio traffic. Does anyone know of an interface we can hook in-line to the mic-1/4" inputs which, when a signal is detected, reduces the music volume in order to hear the radio traffic/page traffic? We're all going to be contributing to the system (I'll buy the amplifier myself, everyone else buys a set of speakers). What do you guys think? It's cheap & sounds complex, and it's not required, but it's a nice idea for us to have.
  9. Man, I would preorder 4 right now, but I don't have $500 on me sad face...looks like I'm gonna have to wait a while & save up/sell current subs...
  10. Please, for the love of god, don't start this shit on here...I had to log off Facebook because EVERY SINGLE FUCKING THING was about the game...
  11. I'd do a wall of 8's or something. Lol. But that's just me...
  12. I didn't see it posted. My bad Eh, it was to me. Maybe now they're at a price that they're worth?
  13. Was doing a random search for Factory Buyouts on PE.com, and came across this. P.S. Not ragging on them, just thought it was interesting to see...maybe someone can shed some light? P.S.S. if this was posted already, sorry
  14. Well, looks like I'm going to be saving/selling for 4...will let you know closer to birthday...
  15. Took this picture during the overhaul of a rekindled structure fire today...One of the Captains was sitting down next to a dog, & for some reason I saw the perfect photo opportunity... This is a new year, but we have old perils. Speaking for all of us first responders/emergency personnel, please stay safe for all of us. We enjoy helping people as much as we can, but we try to avoid it whenever possible.
  16. I'm looking at an '05 Silverado ext cab right now...thinking about buying a camper cab for it for my DJ business, but I was also wondering, do they seal off good enough that I can get a couple blankets & bowl of water to leave in the back for my puppies when I take them on trips? Would it help to buy a small 12 volt heater to leave in there? Just figured I'd ask. Two puppies in the back seat of a truck (which will have a system of some sort, by the way... ) doesn't sound like a good idea for a 5-6 hour trip...
  17. ...remember to keep yourself and your family safe. This holiday season is when things get extremely hectic, & some people have to go above & beyond the call of duty (Including the game...) to help others. Just got back from 8 hours on scene of a structure fire caused by leaving a small wood-fired heater unattended, and the man lost his two-story garage (which was essentially his business, as he ran a private towing company)...thankfully, noone was hurt (a couple firefighers and the man himself were treated for smoke inhalation & released at the scene), & property can be replaced, but it's always best to not have to replace it. Here is a video created by the NIST to demonstrate how dangerous the holidays can be, with the burning of a dry tree, taking less than 5 seconds for the tree to go up in flames, & less than 30 seconds for the room to flash over (when various combustible materials suddenly ignite in an enclosed area). Don't think for a second that this could never happen to you, because it can, under the right conditions. All it takes is a simple mistake to cost hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage, & possible in lives (which could never be measured in currency). Stay safe this holiday season. Happy Holidays!
  18. I dunno how many people here have a Speedway near them, but ours just recently changed to a new pump/system. For some reason, I can't hardly pump more than two seconds anymore without the valve cutting gas off, like the tank was full...Anyone else had this problem in older cars?
  19. There not that expensive compared to other digital mixers, but very user friendly. actually the price tag was bigger then most of the ones they had there. You were probably looking at a store that sells mostly analog mixers. Like he said, The SL series from Presonus is great, I'm working on throwing down a couple grand for a 24.4.2 for sound work, I've basically fallen in love with it I'd love to get a 16.0.2 for small stuff though
  20. Cash Express or something along those lines? I have no idea...
  21. I'd take a picture of ours, but our dogs just got to the christmas presents & a couple ornaments...so that will be delayed
  22. May have found what I need to stick under the back seats of a Silverado when I get one...
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