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Everything posted by iceman1575

  1. I know people around here drive like they are texting all the time, yet 95% of them are just driving. I don't text and drive myself but I have used my phone for calls while driving. If I do get a text I'll wait till I'm where I'm going or if its important I'll pull over and reply. Hope this is a wake up call to those who text and drive. Ya may not be as lucky as this girl was. You can't fix stupid (legally). Definitely a wake up call for me. I was surprised big time.
  2. No, I was in the car with my friend waiting for her friend to show up so they could see each other, and she was telling her friend to call instead of text, but she wasn't listening... You can believe anything in Kentucky. I wouldn't use it. I've seen what the YT Captions does to some videos...I'm scared to see what text would come out...
  3. No idea what they are here for texting, don't want to find out though. I think she finally has. Second car crash she's been in, I dunno if second with wreckless driving though. I don't text unless it's a real quick response or at a stoplight. If it's bad enough, I'll call. Lol @ the POTATO! Definitely. My friend was worried sick that she wasn't gonna be okay because they had to shut down a major 4-lane highway to make an LZ for HealthNet... Amen to that. Same here.
  4. I know. They had units on scene in less than 5 minutes, and airlifted her in less than half an hour.
  5. Calling, some people can handle. Texting, it's virtually impossible.
  6. I picked up one of my friends to run them to work, and their GF was wanting to come see them, so we were waiting, and out of nowhere she stopped talking. As soon as she stopped replying, my pager went off with another department for a rollover accident. Needless to say, I took them to work and went back to see what was going on, and, you can figure out the rest... 75 MPH in a 55 MPH zone, was texting & swerved to avoid a head on, ended up hitting the hill on the side of the road & rolled. Luckily, all she came out with was a cut to her head (8 stitches) and a screwed up ankle (not broke), as well as miscellaneous cuts. Many states have made it illegal to text & drive at the same time, and there's a reason why. This one got lucky. Next time, they won't be.
  7. http://finance.yahoo.com/family-home/article/112510/new-commodore-64-nyt Yes? No? Maybe so?
  8. http://digitallife.today.com/_news/2011/04/08/6431960-giant-cell-phone-helps-avoid-texting
  9. Conversation: Guy: YOU ROLL OVER YET? Dog: No dad, I'm only 2 months old. Guy: TALK TO ME WHEN U ROLL OVER.
  10. Holy fail. With that much cone area i sure hope he's louder than two 12's. I think there was a Kicker CVR 15, and three MTX 12's, one pair and another oddball. Amp wise was all crap, it was just pitiful to look at. Sorry, but mismatching subs = NO NO NO.
  11. That my friend's Jeep with 1 15", 1 12", & 2 MTX 12" subs with crap amps is louder than my two AQ 12's...
  12. Not to be rent-a-mod, but I'm pretty sure this isn't allowed here unless you talk to the mods. And if your post count qualifies.
  13. Sounds like a multi-daily occurrence at one of the older-folk apartment complexes in town. ALWAYS cooking smoke. 3PM, 3AM, whenever.
  14. Strobes you can buy from any major car lighting retailer. I'd look at the laws in your state very carefully. Nothing against them in Kentucky AFAIK, but pretty sure they're illegal on the road unless you're an emergency vehicle. Blue interior lighting, you can do with a few LED strips and some wire. That's how I have my floor boards lit up at the moment.
  15. My first system period was a JVC 12" sub in a Walmart sealed box hooked up to a 200w surround sound amplifier running off an inverter in my dads car... My first system in my car, I took 3 hours just to figure out how to run the wiring to the back. Ended up pulling apart half the car to find out only the seats & the side trim panels need out...at least it was mostly clean.
  16. My guess is they only sent data about the package itself to the US Customs office in Windsor, not the package itself.
  17. Believe me, I have gotten quite a few comments & numbers with these on my skates. Haha I may tri ozinum, but eBay has 9" strips that work just fine for like $1 apiece. As for the battery, it's currently under my laces but I'll eventually end up mounting it to the side in some sort of clip. Will post tut soon.
  18. For now I have the battery stuck under my laces. One's like these, any 24 LED strip will work on average sized skates. I used double sided 3M tape (not the foam tape) from Radioshack. I'm trying to find clips to stick on the side of the boot.
  19. In two of the three states I travel/live in, it's perfectly legal to have solid blue exterior lights on your license plate, but the other one I travel to more frequently, it's illegal to have red or blue lighting on the exterior (yet they allow any other colors). I'd love to be able to use whichever in the state they are legal in (white or blue), so I'm thinking about purchasing some LED strips, but not sure how the best way to control it would be. Do they make a 12v mode switch? One position feeds to one output, the other position feeds to a separate output? I'd appreciate any help. Thanks
  20. My car looks good washed, at least as good as $3 in car wash will get...but I do have some marks and a couple breaks in the front & rear bumpers that need fixed. Are there any tips/tricks for doing touchup painting on a car? There are a bunch of slight black marks on the front from bugs & dirt, etc. There's a mark on the back bumper from backing into a pole as well. Also, there are two cracks, one in the front where the left side of the wing on the bumper meets the bumper itself (was poorly held together with some kind of adhesive material, I have a piece of tuppoware lid & bolts holding it together for the time being...), as well as a big crack on the back vertically. What would be the best way to fix/paint these? I will have pictures tomorrow, if they will help. Thanks.
  21. It won't work if the LED strips are DC only. Trust me, I tried...
  22. Definitely not a "normal" woofer, you want something that has a low Fs and is built for bass frequencies. I guess it's a toss up between car and PA subwoofer. There are home audio subwoofers out there too, but it depends on what kind of a room you'll be putting it in. If you have a big room, you're gonna want one with a slightly higher sensitivity rating to cover the open area, car subs are built (AFAIK, i could be wrong ) for tight volume areas in mind. Vice versa for PA subwoofers. Just my two cents, don't kill a guy for trying.
  23. Okay, so I'm 18, but I have been dreaming slightly big. I've been working slowly on my own to start my own DJ business, and it's getting going, but I'd really like to do hire outs for smaller concerts and such. Obviously money is going to be an issue. I'm not for sure exactly on how much I'd like to spend, but I would have to pay it off a bit at a time. I will be getting some sort of job before this to get money going beforehand, but I'm trying to plan it out. Can someone enlighten me on options to pay stuff like this off? Thanks.
  24. My guess would be they were connected to a VU meter hooked up to the signal going either to the amplifier or the speakers. If there were such things as AC LED's, you could hook it straight up to the output on the amplifier, but as for resistance/impedance, etc. I wouldn't know.
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