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Everything posted by adam4563

  1. idk how much mine was but i think it was in ur budget range cz my mom bought it for me but its a kodak easy share C743. it really nice for pics and takin vids.
  2. im downloadin it and i dont really like him either but there might be some good bass songs...
  3. hahaha damn ppl are still leavin him comments about how fat he is...
  4. Got my mb quarts today. i hooked them up in free air to my bros head unit cz my trucks still in the shop and damn do they sound good! these things are so damn clear! i cant wait till i can get my truck back and start workin on puttin these things in.
  5. ive been on myspace a few times today and nothin happened to me...
  6. u could also try knukoncepts. they have cheap wire and its really good stuff.
  7. hahaha my dad emailed me this a few months back. thats a duuumb bitch...
  8. ive been wonderin about this too. i can flex car wondows that r parked next to me but never tried buildings.
  9. i remember seein the vid of ur car but not too much of the inside but damn like ive said b4 u do some killer work dude.
  10. i deleted that a while back cz i had no one to play with but i still got halo if anyone has that...
  11. i voted for the system first. its the same thing i did cz i want to get some 20s for my truck but i had to get some bass in my truck first lol
  12. damn i didnt know it was goin up that fast lol. everyone should put a smd banner on their myspaces and websites to try and get it up faster...
  13. if the site keeps growin like it is maybe one day well be able to get up to 300,000.
  14. fuckin awesome man! haha it fuckin sucks i have to live all they way on the other side of the US than u...
  15. I figured id post up some pics of my new speakers i got in the other day. I heard a pair of the momo 6.5s the other day and liked how they sounded and i needed new speakers for my truck anyway so i found some 4x10s on ebay for about $100 brand new shipped. I also like how they have crossovers to seperate the mids and highs even though they arent a component system. and some wire i got from kukoncepts for "the big 3" and new (bigger) wire for my subs. I also ordered earlier today a set of mb quart dua216 component 6.5s to replace my shitty sony xplods up front. Ill get pics up when i get them as well as after i install them in my truck but i still have to wait on my truck to get back from the shop bein painted .
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