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Everything posted by meade916

  1. just another clip from the other day - Loganberry and Joe test drove some Michael Jackson
  2. actually, you dont even need to scroll - its down bottom but its static whenyour on SMD
  3. look again shit cost me a grip - so use it dammit! LOL
  4. Look down bottom, we have new features added! You guys will probably likethis, i know i do! enjoy!
  6. negative on that. I will leave it the way it is before i delete it. I honestly dont ever have any problems and i post pics, vids and other links all the time.
  7. nope....i have no idea. This guy who had me build it got all sorts of RF gear from me and i shipped him the box.....never heard a word again. I mean he was like the coolest person ever, talked to him daily for a bit......then all the sudden he vanished. Really weird.
  8. hmmmm i dont know how to fix that - ill have to ask Mark since he knows invision the best........sorry for the hassle!
  9. seriously man thanks for lettin me try that out!! That was very cool and also, good to know about the score......i saw the 127.9 but i didnt wanna claim it since its a 30 second run Now its time to go to fry's and get that XP so i can start playin with my meter. Its been so long i am itching to experiment! thanks again 'Pine, Kimo -
  10. Kimo and Alpine let me try driveby just to see what it would do....i was in the truck so it wasnt a real run - averaged 126.9 for 30 seconds from 6 feet away. I think it sucks, since i know its got more then that but everyone says you can gain a few DB just by having the truck in the perfect spot, windows rolled to the perfect spot, and of course, the right song. I dont have a working meter and have never practiced this "driveby" thing before so i had no idea how it would do. I am certain i can raise that score with a little time on my own mic. I will be reverting to windows XP since i give up on the win 7 TL.net update....just need to go buy it. Buying XP SUCKS LOL........anyway, i probably wont do driveby again unless its at my shop playin around because i dont dig the rule that you have to get out. Thats the gayest rule and all orgs have it except USAC. WHY? i dont get it - thats a whole diff arguement and its not my place to argue.....it is what it is. of course i like doing this or i wouldnt do it. Did you want me to jump out and start doing cart-wheels? LOL
  11. going thru some clips that were on my camera, i realized i never finished showing the air ride install....so here it is, better late then never! The fronts needed some butchering then modding but i eventually got it to work. Been working great from the first day i drove it. NOTE TO ALL: This is not a frame dragger or competition hopper (although theres nothing wrong with that! i love that shit too!) - its a high tech digital, self leveling (or manual height adjusted) air suspension system. I have about 2000lbs or more of stereo system in the back so not only is this a suspension, it is great for weight management. It USED to ride like a tank now it feels like a normal car again..........plus i have aroung 6-7" of over all travel. Go to www.ridetech.com and look up the Titanium series shockwaves (front) and also the stand alone Titanium series, double adjustable shocks (rear) to see what i have. I am using the E3 self leveling system which has not been molded into the dash yet - soon though and you know i will make a video of that too!
  12. All forums can have ignorant people - not much i can do about it.....perfect example, you are still here. no ads equals no site. This place is very expensive to run believe it or not. Soon though, i will be offering a small yearly membership that will eliminate all google ads.....but sorry, the partner banners will still be flying. I understand they can be annoying sometimes but they pay the bills. nobody ever got booted or banned for having an opinion. We only ban ASSWIPES who deserve to be banned. :ban2: and when they go to other sites and cry about being banned and tell everyone they hate my guts (whether or not i PERSONALLY banned them) i realize that they didnt belong from the start.......
  13. thanks for checkin' out the vids bro!! i might be able to try that someday but really the way youtube is cracking down on what we do, i probably need to stick to using shit i have permission for or that came out of "our" studio (chp). I can put anything i want up but if i want to revenue share (youtube partner) i cant use gucci. anyway thanks for the suggestion!
  14. this is like the 4th time ive done it - i get retarded comments all the time but some are so stupid while trying to act smart, i had to share LOL
  15. so once in a while i get someone SO FU*KING stupid leaving me a comment, i have to share it with the fella's - here is a good one from "OjStudios" in reference to one of my vids playin with a Fi woofer on the test bench - Requires 2k watts.. yea maybe because that's one of the most stiffed up drivers ever. I don't get these car speakers. -.- 200W is enough for any goddamn car and home setup too. 300W caramp gives something like 20 to 30W in real power if measured by good ol' terms. i basicly told him he was talking out of his ass and then i get this - Talk out of their ass.. yea right. Like a car battery can ever give enough power to sound like good home or PA speakers. Even so, car subs are tuned to something around 45 to 60hz to give that hell of a pounding. They don't go low because it's no use in car. My friend is Finnish champion in SPL/decibel competition so I know what I'm talking about. so there is your FUNNY for the day! I hope you enjoyed! My internets been down since like 3pm yesterday and that was the first comment i have read this morning.....i got 3 pages to go thru and i wonder what else ill see. This one was a good one though!
  16. yes it had to be jailbroken...and yes it works awesome. I think its actually $30 a month for the ipad 3g so screw all that. .plus, im ALWAYS near wifi unless im on the road. If im on the road and i want it i will fire up myfi FTMFW Plus my lady, the kids ipods and my mac mini all pic it up so its internet for everyone if were on the road.
  17. the thing is, you dont need 150 posts to buy, just to sell - so i dont know if there is a way to lock just sellers out....
  18. i guess i havent put any thought into it, sorry. I guess you can just bypass it if you see someone trying. If mods see it, we delete or lock it. Hit the report button i guess LOL.
  19. nice setup bro......if its not for gaming then you dont need to much bullshit! Just a nice reliable PC. Reliable is hard to come by when talking PC.......and i am not a MAC guy at all! dont feel bad either about everyone tellin you what you SHOULD have done.....i spent $6,000 on a badass Alienware tower (i build my own but i got the AW as a treat for myself a few years ago) and i got shit that wasnt even on the market yet - people STILL tellin me what i shoulda done.
  20. oh BTW: i paid for MyWi so i dont need a cracked version....if you feel like doin that its all on you
  21. oh i recently "bricked" my iphone and lost major data so note to self - do not download "super NES" app from ROCK. matter of fact the only thing i am doing with this current jailbreak is using my MYFI and thats it! Best app ever next to PDAnet!
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