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Everything posted by uhoh_45

  1. headunit alpine... have had bad luck with pionner cd wouldnt eject on its own bad rca whine subs atomic... i've abused the piss out of mine and there still stiff as shit mids amps a DD and i love that little thing amazing little amp sub amp im running PowerBass and there strong amps but there CS sucks
  2. makes sence shoulda been in the computer section, but its all good now. mods can lock/delete
  3. http://s105.photobucket.com/albums/m232/wo...hvideo_0002.flv
  4. is there any way to save videos from photobucket i had uploaded one a while ago and lost the original copy
  5. seriously though, its a good start and what kind suv do you have again, a ford escape?
  6. actually im not sure if anyone now adays is but for the longest time alot of competitors used caps for there deck so the deck wouldnt shut off
  7. and if you do get fucked over and cops find it say your dad used your car and forgot the beer in the trunk
  8. once he gets new sub/recones old one have him sand out the sub hole so its not such a tight fit sand or router with a round over bit should work fine
  9. you could put upwords of 4 amps to 1 sub M= master S= slave
  10. just do the outside line of the window with .5" wide weather stripping but not the thick thick shit and just do where the window touches the inside of the hatch and the hatch itself so you can still see out the window and keep it clean haha hers a shitty pic,
  11. i agreed to whatever it is yesterday and it worked fine all day now today its fucked and yeah for having to pay to use it, it sucks
  12. well i get to the forum and click on something and it gives me an error
  13. just a quick question, is termpro not working for anyone else here? anything i click on it says it has been moved or temporary unavailable
  14. have you try'd changing the master and slave amps? switch the slave to master and master to slave see if that does anything
  15. could always do a multituned box with both sides open say it will be tuned to 40 you close one say it will be tuned to 32 (i didnt read whole thread just the bottom so im not sure if this is what you need)
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