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Everything posted by lucky

  1. can some one give me some links were i can get more info on defining car audio im trying to become an installer but all i can do is install im not sure of ohms law how to measure wattage and all that stuff i can just hook it up and make it go boom
  2. i can hit 240 db at 3 hz with my tweeters :weight_lift: what the?? likethat huh
  3. i can hit 240 db at 3 hz with my tweeters :weight_lift: Interesting.... yeah i got em at walmart there real nice
  4. i can hit 240 db at 3 hz with my tweeters :weight_lift:
  5. lucky

    got my new amp

    kinda looks like his dog chewed on before he packed it
  6. whats this clowns web page url i wanna see his other projects i got some card board and duct tape and a couple tweeters i think i can hit 230.5 db at 1hz i wanna be like him
  7. :-fucking clowns i like how he used his moms old panty hose for that ghetto little kid enclosure he used plywood (flex with the mdf) :-
  8. dijya see tha mold around the trunk how long do you think it will take for the water to get in and ruin that pretty custom prefab bought at a pawn shop 23db system
  9. i just seen the episode of south park featuring the brown noise and it made me think of mr meades tahoe search it on youtube its funny as hell
  10. that guy from ROE handed it too them assholes they wish they knew :-
  11. o i wasnt meanin a thick piece of metal, just sumthyn 2 cover up all my stuff......possible just sheet metal. and itll hafta only b held up with boltz or hex head screwz or sumthyn, tht way i kuld easily remove it if needed the problem with using sheet metal is that wont last long like i said about my gas tanks they opened up after two drags lukily they were full or my dumbass would not be here today but i learned anything a grinder can make quik work of the road will do the same im not tlkn bout draggin tha sheet metal, im tlkn bout usin it 2 protect my shit from rippin off or fuckn up.......imma get sum sort of a drag block 4 my car...... ok then your in good shape just cover your basics oil pan trans pan muffler and cat you will have no problems i thought you meant you were goingto be dragging frame but with blocks your idea would work good
  12. o i wasnt meanin a thick piece of metal, just sumthyn 2 cover up all my stuff......possible just sheet metal. and itll hafta only b held up with boltz or hex head screwz or sumthyn, tht way i kuld easily remove it if needed the problem with using sheet metal is that wont last long like i said about my gas tanks they opened up after two drags lukily they were full or my dumbass would not be here today but i learned anything a grinder can make quik work of the road will do the same
  13. that would work but it will hurt your motor over time from the weight
  14. i got lightning audio promos from wal mart they are rated fo 760 watt max they hit pretty good my favorite was these cheap ass (jdaudio) 8" i had hook em to 1400 watt amp and made them smoke that shit was funny as hell
  15. burrito, says slam a chevy because gas tank is mid chassis... that "confusious says" iz from a drop em wear shirt that was made bcuz a CHEVY S10 blew up from draggin yes sir i have torn open gas tanks on a mazda from no protecton while dragging now i strictly use fuel cells mounted in the bed wen usin a fuel cell, iznt it hard 2 tell how much gas u have?? when you find your self walking then you know you need gas just playing i have a fuel guage
  16. burrito, says slam a chevy because gas tank is mid chassis... that "confusious says" iz from a drop em wear shirt that was made bcuz a CHEVY S10 blew up from draggin yes sir i have torn open gas tanks on a mazda from no protecton while dragging now i strictly use fuel cells mounted in the bed
  17. got a new alt today found out that the shaft is bending from to much tension it pulls so hard that you can see the pully flexing it also destroyed my idler pully bearings got it put back together taking it to wor tomorow to see if it will work out
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