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Status Replies posted by stevog

  1. And show these people what my level of skill's are like

  2. Straight pipe.. to loud, idk what kinda muffler to get.. clueless.

  3. If you think I`m cute (like my status).If you think I`m a good friend (comment on this).If you hate me (message me & tell me why).If you ever had a crush on me, be honest, (send a poke).If you`re not scared (make this your status).

  4. Stripper pole? Or no stripper pole? Deep down I know it will help....

  5. SA-12 on 1200 watts. This should be fun

  6. No wonder our sport isn't growing. Seen the entry fee's? They're even charging guys that don't compete, just wanting to give demos all day. Fuck that.

  7. Drunk karaoke. Prince first. Whitney Houston second. Man up bitches.

  8. has anyone heard about this kony guy? seems like noones talking about him. i figured you'd all be making a much bigger deal about it.

  9. Peel 'n seal is king and subwoofer break in is a must!

  10. hallo.. ich bin der tommy:D und ich geh jetz schlafen:D gute nacht;)

  11. Guy rolls up next to me while I have my system at 1/4 tilt. He decides he wants to turn his system up to overhear mine. So I turn my full tilt and he turns his off and unrools his window and says 'WTF dude, yo shit be banging son."

  12. WOW I need to get some cable cutters. I just discovered how impossibly hard it is to cut 0 gauge without them....

  13. Anyone know of any good, reasonably priced 2.5" ~120gb SLC SSDs?

  14. Anyone know of any good, reasonably priced 2.5" ~120gb SLC SSDs?

  15. Just went to the drive through carwash with no door panels. A LOT of fucking water gets in there!

  16. I think I might build a box with 18sqin port/cube just for sh!ts and giggles

  17. I think I might build a box with 18sqin port/cube just for sh!ts and giggles

  18. I'm fucking done with COD. $50 for Black Ops and Mw3

  19. blink c∕̴ƖϞ∂ tstt technician ppl fockin up !!

  20. im getting a fi bl 10" will a Hifonics Brutus BRZ1200.1D push it pretty good

  21. how do i add my ride on here

  22. how do i add my ride on here

  23. My dad borrowed my truck, its been running in the driveway for 40 minutes now. He said it needs to "Warm up" I dont think it takes 40 minutes to warm up a truck...

  24. T3 needs to be made "again" in the USA "again"

  25. T3 needs to be made "again" in the USA "again"

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