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Everything posted by Herrie_V

  1. They where not for another project , the used them 50 years ago to level the water in small rivers. We cut the with a big chainsaw indeed
  2. In the same house i did the in-wall build of the 40" lcd, we are very buzy to rebuild the rest of the house. Yesterday it was time for the living room to add some oak They are 10"x10" and 5 meter long, so u can guess they are not light. It is not only for show, but really has an function. They stud the upper floor. This is also the room for the in-wall build of the next lcd/ht. Tell me what u think...
  3. I logged in with my cellphone right now, so i cannot quote for some reason... But to answer your question fiero, it's not hard to remove the trim, just 8 screws. @coolwazzabi: no updatep yet, im very busy at this moment with the new floor and walls in the living room and a ton of other stuff that has to be done at that house. @jizzy: LOL i knew somebody came up with this haha Thanks guys,stay tuned!
  4. COD4 sucks too We hosted it, and it was no succes at all. Its getting boring too fast.
  5. Hey just got our new server online! Only Fly Maps: IP: Check it out Oh and ping kick is set on 150, so if u have problems i can change it. Greetzz
  6. The next one dont get the trim around, it is goin to be mounted from behind. Also the amp, sat reciever, dvd and bose speakers are goin into the wall:) Stay tuned!
  7. I found some over here: http://www.newegg.com/Store/SubCategory.as...=696&page=2 The one i used is from the brand Vogel's, but im not sure they sell it over there Dont worry about the heat, the space behind the tv is vented, it vents true the outside walls of the house I was thinking the same myself, but thanks for help thinking Thanks for the reply's guys! Will post more pics in a few weeks, when we do the second lcd. And thanks for movin this topic to the right place mr admin, my bad
  8. Ok, my friend has bought a new home. We are rebuilding the whole house step by step. In his kitchen he wanted a lcd on the wall. That was not enough for me, too standard Here is what i did by my friends house: Before: Some work later: [iM Test fitting: After the wall-finish: The result: The speakers are some el-cheapo 50 watt, but built in a custom box in the wall and they sound very well! Dont forget this is just the kitchen haha. I only used the front panels of the speakers and built a mdf box inside the wall. The dvd, sat reciever and amp are in the room behind it. Remote works via an wireless sender-reciever. This was part 1, we are gonna do this in the living room too including a Bose 5.1 and propably a bigger screen too I post more pics later, if u like it I also did some more work carpenters work there and have pics of it too.
  9. Yeah welcome home burrito! I noticed this topic today and read it all. I'm glad for u and your family it all went good. And also here on smd, this is a real family too! So much love here. Good luck with the recovery back to 100%! Gr from holland
  10. Oh i didnt want to bring this old thread back, but to answer (late i know) it is a Nokia N70 from 2 years old
  11. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16829102005 ^^^^that in combination with the Z-5500 is the best duo!
  12. For perfect sound: buy a X-Fi soundcard and use the 3 rca's. Then u can configure your sound better imo. I enjoy my z-5500 every day!
  13. U can use a simple rca for coax, i did that on my old pc. Then u have digital sound too. Otherwise buy a optical glassfiber cable. Good luck!
  14. It is ok we all dont have the same taste. But i like baco and u can wake me up for irish coffee!!!
  15. I drink everything Btw, De Kuyper is dutch, good good haha. But it will be a lot of beer (heineken) and offcourse Bacardi with coke. One thing is sure: the next day i cant tell what i have done last night haha So everybody have a great evening/night and party!! And up to 2008!
  16. Like this?: http://cgi.ebay.de/ORIGINAL-MAYBACH-LOGO-C...1QQcmdZViewItem
  17. You can wire both subs together to 10hm and get 2 Lightning Audio s1000.1d's and strapped the 2 amp together to get 2000w @ 1ohm
  18. Im going to make a topic in members builds soon. This was not all i bought :D
  19. Haha thank u for your support, thats why i love this site
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