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Everything posted by GiAnT4LYFE

  1. That Hero remix is a helluva track, and I'm surprised at how few views he has gotten on it so far.
  2. Thx. I tried to pm Thor, but his inbox is full. CJ, thx for the suggestion. How much of a difference do you think it would make if I went port middle instead of port drivers side for numbers? My OCD gets the best of me at times, lol.
  3. I'm at the battle, wearing a grey hoodie and blue Knicks hat. Hit me up.
  4. I have a Pioneer DEH-P600UB I can trade in return. Let me know if you're interested. Can you show a pic of it powered up?
  5. So the PM I wanted to send you is right here, lol. I'm running the DC 2k to them in a 2004 Grand Prix GTP. I was wondering what you would recommend tuning my box to and if you suggested sealing off the trunk and firing forward. At this current time I am in a ported box tuned to 33hz facing the rear. I listen to all music so I want it versatile, but I know you drive the same build of GP as me so I wanted your advice. Also, do you think I should deaden the rear deck? Any advice from you is extremely appreciated. Thanks.
  6. That's cool, just let me know. Like I said, either way put me down for a 2XL.
  7. I'm feeling like I want to build a new box for my Level 4 12's M1's. I'm running the 2of them off a DC2k in a 2004 Pontiac Grand Prix GTP. I'd like to fire forward and have the port in the middle or drivers side. I heard the cars sweet spot is 44hz and was wondering what ideas you guys might have as to what I should tune the box to, aero's/slot, middle or drivers side? My max dimensions are 36" wide between the wheel wells, 16" high under the rear deck, probably 3 1/2' to the end of the trunk. Definitely looking forward to your suggestions. Thanks.
  8. Would you switch the ribbon color to orange for me? I'm fighting Leukemia right now and would LOVE to rock one. I'm winning the battle and think the backs of the shirts should say "Beating Leukemia/Cancer/This Shit like I beat my subs!!". But seriously, I'd love one with the orange ribbons, but if you can't I'll still buy a pink one. Side note, cancer affects way too many people and this is a terrific way to bring more awareness to the car audio community. Bravo!!
  9. If I don't have it set up before you get yours back, I'd appreciate it Rick. Btw, Congratulations early!!
  10. Finally got the updated pix and vid into my build log...check it out mang!!

  11. Next time you have to rapidly chill a beer, try using a can of air that's used to clean a keyboard off. 1. Put beer bottle in a ziplock bag 2. Put the straw from the spray can in the bag 3. Hold that all tight 4. Spray the can while holding it upside down 5. Shouldn't take more than 30 secs
  12. I'm in tears right now....especially cause I knew when it was about to drop and was anticipating his reaction. Oh my fucking lord, that just made my night. Who's truck is that?
  13. Just got the windows tinted up and the waiver turned in to DMV...hehe

  14. I'm gonna try like hell to make it to the Trippi/Beast showdown, if you're gonna be there? Do you know of anyone else who may be closer? Thanks N8.
  15. I'm looking to see if there is anyone in the DE, PA, MD area that has a DD-1 who will set it up on my equipment? Obviously I don't mind paying a fee, I just want to get everything set up properly. Thanks in advance.
  16. Damn Orion, that thing brings a tear to my eye. My Level 4's now feel inferior.....lol.
  17. Thanks again guys. On a side note one of my friends belongs to a Giants website and they are doing a ticket give-away for deserving people. He sent them an email about my story and they said I'm definitely in consideration for it. This would be amazing to be able to go to!!
  18. Thanks everyone for the thoughts and kind words. Trippi, I still definitely have to get that demo from you. Maybe on of the days I'm feeling good when I'm out. I'm back in the hospital for my 3rd week of chemo and almost halfway done with my treatment. They put some in my head through my Ommaya resevoir and as usual that hurt and messed up my vision for a few hours, but everything is back to normal. There is no doubt that it's a lot less painful than the alternative which is a spinal tap every time....fuck that. But if all goes well I'll be headed home Friday morning and be there for the next 3 weeks. I'm really hoping I can make the Pulse show on Jan 22 as long as I'm feeling ok. We'll see.
  19. Thanks everyone for the thoughts, and Trippi I definitely need to still get that demo from ya, maybe one of the days that I'm out and feeling good. I'm back in now and almost halfway through my 3rd week of treatment. So far things seem to be going good. The chemo in my brain messes with my eye sight for about 3 hours after it happened, but it was tolerable. It's crazy how all of the nurses have commented on how well I have handled these heavy treatments. They are borderline in awe and attribute the majority of it to my attitude. What can I say, I love my living and have many more years ahead of me. I was kinda hoping I could make it to the Pulse show in Jan if I'm feeling good. We'll see how it goes.
  20. Thanks fellas. When something like this happens to you, you really only have 2 choices: fight it or pack it up. I'm waayyyy too young to sit here and let this bullshit get the best of me, so I'm gonna fight it with every ounce of energy that I have. Unfortunately due to this, I'm out on short term disability, but my company is great and are by my side 100% through this. It's funny how much you miss waking up on Monday mornings to go to work or just driving in your car by yourself with the system pounding. I've started to learn my limits and have been making more trips by myself just to hear my system, lol. I just hope I can inspire others who have been dealt a shitty hand, cancer or not.
  21. Well, it's been quite a while since I've been on the forum. Back in August I started developing debilitating back pain that would require me to use Oxycodone and Skelaxin to get through the pain. Although the medication made my body feel pain free, it also left me worthless and unable to function. After much persuasion from my wife and boss, I finally found a family doctor and got an MRI done in September. I feared the worst, fractured vertebrae, herniated disc, etc., or so I thought I had the worst case scenario figured out. About 3 hours after getting my MRI done, the family doctor called me up and asked that my wife and I get in there as soon as possible. When we got there the doctor told us that they have spotted what appeared to be a Lymphoma mass on my L2-L4 vertebrae. My heart sank, and needless to say I felt like I was just punched in the nuts. At 33 I couldn't believe that I was hearing this. We scheduled the biopsy for the following Tuesday to confirm the MRI's detection. The preliminary result came back to my Oncologist as appearing to be of the Non-Hodgkins variety, but they were waiting confirmation from the Mayo clinic. A couple days later we went back to the Oncologist to get the confirmation results. It turned out that I have what is called B Cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma/Leukemia, which is an extremely rare and aggressive cancer. I felt like I got blasted in the face with a hammer. She then told my wife and I that treatment was going to be aggressive, 1 week inpatient chemo and 3 weeks at home per cycle for 8 cycles. My oncologist believes that the mass started growing in July and fortunately we caught it before it entered the bone marrow and spinal fluid. At that moment in time, I made the commitment to myself that no matter what it took, I would defy the odds of this rigorous chemo schedule and become an inspiration for others who are going through this. She then told me I would have to have a port put in my chest, and an Ommaya Resevoir put in my head before the treatments started. I am now about to go into the hospital for my 3rd cycle of treatment, and in all honesty I've only had about 8 rough days so far. I'm maintaining my weight up to this point and have been told I've been inspiring many with my upbeat and positive attitude about it. My mother has quit smoking (she smoked for over 35 years), my family has become closer, my wife and I have been getting along great, and I have taken the time to enjoy life. In a sick, twisted, and kinda fucked up way, cancer may have been one of the best things that could've happened to me. I can honestly say that at no point in time have I thought it would defeat me, as I know I will beat it. I feel blessed that we caught it early on, thankfully due to my wife and boss. Life isn't always pleasant, and is sometimes down right brutal, but it's about rising above the challenges thrown your way and always remembering that even when it seems tough, you probably still have it easier than someone else. Lastly, if something has been bothering you and you have been putting it off, go get it checked. It could save your life.
  22. Shit man, I just saw this thread. I had plenty of time to meet up AND I got my Level 4's in now. When is the next planned event?
  23. Haha, I promise I'll have them up tomorrow. It's a little too late to bang on em tonight, or at least I think the neighbors would not be fans of it. Thanks again for everything bruh.
  24. Just finished installing my Level 4's in and all I can say is.... HOLY SHIT!!!!! These boys are bangin'!!!! DCFTMFW!!!!! Vids up tomorrow.
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