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Status Updates posted by ShaneBond

  1. 2 showers within 3 and a half hours... OCD about staying clean

  2. All I really learned from love was how to shoot someone that outdrew you

  3. Already swimming in my pool. Hell yeah

    1. Emmet


      3ft barbie pools dont count man.

  4. amp is out for delivery sooo it should be home when i get back from school. audioque 3500.1d yeah buddy

  5. Any bros wanna take a dayglow Cincinnati trip?!

  6. anyone selling an ipod?

  7. audioque 3500.1d should be here any minute now. the suspense is killing me...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BassHead1990


      what are you putting the pwer to?

    3. ShaneBond


      4 aq sdc 2.5 12's :)

    4. ShaneBond


      nevermind wont be here till tomorrow -_-

  8. been on my computer for the last 4 hours straight looking at anything and everything car audio -_-

  9. Bieber kills it in his new song I don't care what you say.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. IBleedMusick


      :roflmao: at the long list of one word insults :rofl:
    3. Bigsix


      There's one for the list of thoughts you shouldve kept private. homo.

    4. Bigsix


      There's one for the list of thoughts you shouldve kept private. homo.

  10. Everyone all up in my business but I'm happy with my life haha

  11. Fighting over girls in college... Classic

    1. OrionStang


      Why fight over them? There are so many to go around.

  12. Girls take forever to get ready.

    1. ineeDBass419


      then hurry your slow ass up

    2. Emmet


      Bet your regretting that sex change now huh?

  13. going through every single song on my itunes brings back the most random memories lol

  14. Going to be spending easter without my mommy :(

  15. happy birthday to Christian Chase Orndorff! be safe man!!!

  16. Happy birthday to the most amazing woman in my life!!! I love you mommy!

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. HatersGonnaHate


      Yessir! Just don't fall victim and link your facebook status here hahaha

    3. jg23


      lol its linked but i dont post shit like this. mostly pics and car audio shit lol.

    4. HatersGonnaHate


      You should be safe then!

  17. Hated by all, loved by myself

  18. how bout them buckeyes!? yeah buddy

  19. how much does the audioque 3500d.1 weigh?

  20. i hate when i get a new ipod and have to put music on it -_-

    1. Omega5002


      I hate when I own the biggest ipod, and have it full already due to Flac.

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