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Status Updates posted by LukeYoung

  1. Droping off my car today at OB Car Audio Shop. Their going to have my old girl for 2 weeks while they build and wrap my c-pillar wall. Should be one clean ass job :) I'm excited!!!

  2. FUCK APPLE. Nothing but a bunch of greedy ass bitches that only want your money. iOS 6 won't support any google features. That includes YouTube. Because they want google to pay apple so apple will allow google apps on there product. Straight up fuck apple and all you fan boys. This shit is garbage, can't customize shit. This iPad feels like communist Russia. Never again will I buy apple. Fuck their movement.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. audiolamb6


      its nice to be able to do as u like with something u pay nard earned money for

    3. TylerParrish


      yeah, apple's gone down the shitter, but i love my iPhone, doesn't make me a fanboy though. Hate the new OS with a passion though

    4. dog24fret
  3. I need bass tracks to make bass vids. Someone send me a file full of music to my email and ill show you some love on youtube!!!!

    1. OrionStang


      Look here http://www.stevemead...pin-songs-list/

      Then you can buy the tracks you like, just like most of us did.

  4. Were can I get a tire alignment for cheap and done right???

    1. IBleedMusick


      Cheap and Done Right shouldn't be in the same category. Cheap would be going to a shade tree mechanic no warranty good luck. Done right would be going to a reputable mechanic price varies for how good the services offered are.

    2. b-dubs89


      a guy is truly lucky to find a competent and honest mechanic .if you are looking for a dirt cheap alignment job find a college with an auto program ,where i live you can get free labor through the college auto program . but as said cheap and done right don't always belong together .

  5. Had a productive day, and tomorrow's going to be twice as productive. Lucky me!!!!

  6. I can't wait to get my batteries from Edward Lester. Build is coming to a close my people:)))

  7. I Love My Subaru! I drive cars all day and my Subaru hands down drives and feels just right. Yeah a RR and Bentleys are nice but there in another category. Subaru FTW!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. IBleedMusick


      Are you a pack rat. I swear eveytime I see someone driving a Subaru its junky and full of useless crap and dirty laundry.

    3. Rebel4055
    4. Omega5002


      I had a comp 1 teacher who use to start his 97' Impreza with a screwdriver

  8. 2 hour gym sesh, now shower then work. :)))

  9. Were the fuck is Eminem at? I need some new shit from this foo.

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