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Everything posted by Nine8SST

  1. I agree with hairybeavernuts......get some better subs......just ask dudewith4inches how much money he lost on all his Kicker gear when he stepped up his game......I wont lie, I had some Kicker subs that I lost my ass on too....we live and learn. Lmao at dudewith4inches....poor guy doesn't even know he's getting flamed. Maybe I should pm him the link to this thread.... Definately......he's one of my favorite people to fuck with.......he takes it and dishes it right back like a champ!! LOL
  2. I agree with hairybeavernuts......get some better subs......just ask dudewith4inches how much money he lost on all his Kicker gear when he stepped up his game......I wont lie, I had some Kicker subs that I lost my ass on too....we live and learn. GET THE NAME RIGHT GUY OR I WILL CUT YOU!! haha seriously im not that hardcore. Straight gangsta bro......LOL
  3. I agree with hairybeavernuts......get some better subs......just ask dudewith4inches how much money he lost on all his Kicker gear when he stepped up his game......I wont lie, I had some Kicker subs that I lost my ass on too....we live and learn.
  4. Welcome to SMD....would like to reiterate what Fizzy said and add this: stick around the forum for a while, be a contributing member with your knowledge, gain a rapport with people and build a reputation. Generally speaking, the people who join just to enter SOTM, and only get active on the forum during SOTM....never win SOTM.....no matter how badass their build is. Again, welcome to the best Car Audio Forum in in history....hope to see you around!
  5. I have dual 4. Can you PM me the DC amp prices.....the 4 channel also.
  6. Youre right....we live about as far apart as we possibly could.
  7. The R300.4 is sold. The R500.1 still needs a new home.....or trade for a set of T1652s components.
  8. How much are you looking to get? And TY for the amp advice!!
  9. Lay down a tarp first....it's just good manners to clean up after yourself!!
  10. Wow no shit?....I'm happy you said that!! My thought process was if the car was off you would not be getting maximum voltage, thus not getting the maximum potential of your amps.... And I agree with you.....anyone with beaver balls in thier name has to be wrong all the time.......by default!
  11. haha damn im glad u didnt. lol.... but i get what your saying but who would do that? i guess i didnt think about it because its really dumb to to that. ha my bad bro. not as dumb as ai thought. Dont give me that much credit......I very well may be as dumb as you think
  12. Really....it was dumb? Go turn your key to on without starting your car and see what happens smart guy. Sometimes people overlook the simple shit. If I didnt like you I would probably say something like go fuck yourself you fucking fuck......but your cool so I wont LOL
  13. Did you have the car running....or were you draining the battery while you were messing with everything?
  14. I'm in serious need of a battery....I need either an XS Power D3100, D2700, or D6500. Do you have a good used one for sale? Or know where to get a new one for a discount? Please....let me know, I really dont wanna waste my money on a POS Autozone one....but I also dont have enough to pay retail for an XS. Thanks alot, Jason
  15. Cody are you gonna be selling any of your old XS cells?
  16. Yep.....with the 300.4 they would be seeing about 40rms each.....if I did the math right? Maybe someone can chime in with a second opinion.
  17. I haven't bought the amp yet.....thats the point of this thread. I already have the sub, I'm selling my current amp in order to buy one that is both more efficient and powerful......thats why I want to know! And Cody....no....I didn't know that, but I'm a knowledge junkie so thanks for layin' that down!! In that case you need a DC 1.2k That'll do quite fine as long as you follow DC enclosure recomendations. If you need any help with box, setup etc... Im always down to help! LOL if I could I would man...anyday!!! And thank you for the offer, I'll definately keep that in mind!! If nothing more, I like to have experienced people critique my designs.....cant argue with what is tried and true....well I cant anyway, but I know some ppl do
  18. I haven't bought the amp yet.....thats the point of this thread. I already have the sub, I'm selling my current amp in order to buy one that is both more efficient and powerful......thats why I want to know! And Cody....no....I didn't know that, but I'm a knowledge junkie so thanks for layin' that down!!
  19. Theyre trying to ban them here....for the entire state.
  20. You must be talking about the XTR DVC.....he has the SVC IB there.....didnt sound good IMO.
  21. Nope....they sounded like shit. I replaced them with orion XTR DVC's.....the ones with the red writing. I'm no expert, but I personally have never heard an infinate baffle sub sound good.......it's a cool piece of history though....i think they came out somewhere around 91-93.
  22. HAHA sweet....looks like the same ones I had in 94. iirc they handle about 200rms
  23. Speakers sold. Someone buy these amps.......puhlease!
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