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Status Updates posted by Bouoy

  1. I'm selling my versacamm printer if anybody wants 9k with the heatpress

  2. Ren Fair today And then it's all about the beer

    1. n8ball2013


      in tuxedo? we will be there ina few weeks.

  3. it's party time

  4. I'm wondering what trouble i can get into on saturday. need to get some stuff knocked out so i can play with my toys

  5. Well I'm at a hault on the vette till I get some parts

  6. today is one of the days you get nothing done and know about it so you just sit back and wait for the day to end

  7. Wow I almost got something done today. but the house is clean and quiet

  8. Wow what a day headache from hell but most of the yard is done. I found a yellow jacket nest in the ground. what do I do? I creep up on it with the mower on low and park rev it up wait for them to fly out and turn on the blades. and no i did not get stung.

    1. spl_blazer


      we always just poured a couple gallons of kerosene in and around hole and burn them out.

    2. walled01alero


      One time I took a shop vac, turned it on, and stuck the hoseon the opening of the hole. Sucked them all up lol.

  9. Printers and equipment up for sale just passing along the info

  10. @ 8:18 checked Brunnies post for updates.

  11. I think I'm getting hooked on the show flash point. and if you did not know the one who plays jules is the Org. pink power ranger.. funny

  12. Wee AM special agent OSO with Remi

  13. sha weet templates for a company are almost finished. making airbrush templates are so much fun....zzzzz

  14. Crap yard work sucks I'm got to clear the jungle by the pool so i can lay the new patio any one want to help... Bring your snake gear I found 3 so far

  15. so bored today can't get work done raging headache. I see no fix in sight

  16. FUCK CANCERWe all wish to have a new car...new phone...to lose weight...a person who has cancer only wants one thing...to win the fight against it...i know that 97% of you guys won't put this on your wall...but 3% of my friends will....Put it on your wall in honor of someone who is battling cancer, has battled cancer or someone who has died of cancer

    1. mr.p


      i have cancer...its growing in my balls.

  17. jthkrljh roi rjho ie'jo eniohej' henkj'/e ihgiro ek' jhio'r e

  18. sweet got the pool open. little man got his first taste of the big pool

  19. time to go groom the jungle outside freaking hot and icky

  20. how come they don't make baby milk in a keg so you can just put the nipple on tap?

    1. Autruche


      they do, we call them women.

  21. I did the dew and lived Did you?

  22. wow what a 4th doing laundry the American way.

  23. O joy what to do today

  24. going ot bed it's been real

  25. I want to take a nap but I can't no fair

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