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alaskanzx5 last won the day on October 24 2014

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About alaskanzx5

  • Birthday 08/22/1989

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  • Location
    wasilla alaska
  • Interests
    My kids, cars, music, movies, outdoors

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  1. the wife wants to move state, i wouldnt mind doing so either but where to? she has family in michiigan, i have family in oregon. so many choices that i just dont know. would love to see my family agian, its been 7 years but i cant keep her from not seeing hers.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. WastedTalent


      Then it'd be a sacrifice. Someone isn't seeing their family, at least not often. Montana is closer to both states than Alaska, but yet still far. So if move to Michigan or very close? Ain't seein your family in Oregon. Move near Oregon? Won't see hers. Kind've a lose-lose situation. Think #1 thing though is job. Montana/Wyoming don't really have much.

    3. Neckbeard


      You also gotta think, if you move to oregon. You could get in a minor fight and she will use that shit against you haha. (although, im generizing most women, your lady could be cool about it :M )

    4. alaskanzx5


      all valid points that make it so hard. i know i could get work in oregon and she could transfer to any state. she itsnt 100% on wanting to move back home to michigan because of family issues there but then again she has a lot of memories there.

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