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Status Updates posted by gerardoespinoza

  1. a month ago i installed a air intake on my car and changed the headlights to green

  2. got the cc-1 and dd-1 they work like a charm

  3. my 1,000 dollar sterio got mest up...oh! nevermine i 4got i have a 2year warranty...haha!! silly of me.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. KillaCam


      The best part is that he remembered his warranty in mid-type and then still posted.

    3. MrSkippyJ


      i wonder if he took as many shortcuts hooking his system up as he did trying to type...

    4. n8ball2013


      wow a grand? Thats alot

  4. okay i put the ground in difrrent place n its still overheating so that would mean the amp is not working properly ?

  5. roses are red...vilets are blue....when that bass dropped...my balls did too......lmfao

    1. KillaCam
    2. BeatBox


      damn your sht must dragg on the floor by now!

  6. soon am going to get a new amp for my car

  7. what does it mean when your ground cable from the amp keeps overheating ?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. gerardoespinoza


      its grounded on one of the back suspension bolts..where would it be better to ground my ground?

    3. Autruche


      Make sure you SAND the grounding spot down to BARE METAL. I cannot stress how important it is to have it sanded to bare metal! And you are way better off to drill a hole and use a nut/bolt/washer combo than to use an existing bolt.

    4. gerardoespinoza


      i did it like u said and i still had the same problem but i found out the problem it was my amp that dint work...thanx you guys for traying to help me out

  8. when is the VU-1 comimng out ?

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