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Everything posted by banginAltima

  1. warmness leds to hotness, hotness leds to bad times
  2. Just means the coil is heating up. If it heats up to much it might melt the glue holding the coil together and/or pop the coil. yeah thats a bad thing....
  3. Used two 4 inch aeros in a 4.5 cube box. tuned to 35
  4. also I have two Hx2 12's in better then great condition for sale
  5. I have two T1 15's in a 5.6 cubic foot box. I can pound a 145 til the cows come home with a RF T10001bd then went to a Sundown 1500. Dude get the 15!!!!! You don't have to put it in a 4 cubic foot box.
  6. Its an honest mistake, I imagine it happens a lot. My wife hates it when I make that mistake...
  7. Alright, let me know what i owe you. Actually, don't be in a hurry, Just remember I want it. Its not like I need it now. i just don't want to let it go....
  8. Which one is from the spool we split? I'll get that one.
  9. Yes that is true, those cars have drilled rotors. But those cars weight is around 3000 pounds or so. Plus the owners of those car didn't want brake dust on their 10,000 rims.... A 5000 to 6000 pound vehicle with normal driving will need the same stopping power as a 3500 pound race car. Now I know I read this some where I just don't remember where.
  10. Wow that 2minutes and 45 seconds of my life I will never get back.... Sucked
  11. I just saw you were in South Dakota.... The shipping cost is going to cost out the a$$.... In that case I got two Lightning Audio 12's I will sale you for 45 dollars. These are new. Shipping won't cost all that much.... YOu can put about 400 watts to them.
  12. Seems fair to me.... That was sarcasm for those of you that didn't get it.
  13. I guess our TL must be a newer one. If we go before start, we red light.
  14. Some where around 200 for both. They are in better then greater condition.
  15. I would get 4 15's, you don't need a massive box for the T1's. I am hitting a 146 with two in a trunk. I wish I could fit 4!!!
  16. Thinking of going to the beach for a day, you want the meter again? Sorry for hijacking your thread...
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