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Everything posted by Beefy

  1. Thanks man Definately one of the highest selling points when I bought the car
  2. Thanks.. My car (The navigator) Has a DVD headunit and if already wired for subs (bought it that way) I have a SAZ1500D waiting to be put in but who knows when ill get my subs.
  3. Took some pics today with a friend of mine that has a 325ci Love his pose compairing size^^ :lol:
  4. Thats a hell of a deal Rusty!! Im in no financial status to afford 2 18's + supporting mods now.. You know I'm still in for a 18" Lvl 4/Lvl 5 coil in the near future
  5. https://www.vtunnel.com/ Make sure you have https That makes the site secure and hard as hell to block But if your bandwidth is uber low like at my school due to attempts to block youtube, it might take ages to load.
  6. Haha.. Im the same way on my Sidekick, I cant live without mobile net anymore.
  7. I dont know if thats possible but what I would think is that you can run one wire from the REM on the HU to a switch, and the out to the amp. Therefor you should have power controll if thats what your looking for.. EDIT:White boi beet me to it
  8. I got an Escort 8500.. Its second only to the Valentine. I like both but if you dont want to justify the price tag of a V1, get an escort, almost the same thing w/o the arrows. Plus I picked mine up for $200 bucks off a buddy
  9. Yeah Erics spot on w. the prices.. And be happy it was only -10 w. windchill. I got -15 without and -25/30 with one day
  10. And yeah ill be at the auto show, im unsure what day though
  11. Yeah it doesnt help that I'm on 324s.. When I went in early for track practice a few days back at 5 AM. a tapped the gas in the parkinglot and it whipped me around twice.
  12. Yeah the storm that you had is moving up to me.. Its been snowing steady since about noon here and its supposed to stop 6 pm tomorrow!!!
  13. A good 5in. were on the car already and this apparently is only the beginning..
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