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Status Replies posted by Jessica

  1. Went to the doctor after having sharp stomach pains for tow days. Cant even keep down water. Turns out i have an ulcer.

  2. Went to the doctor after having sharp stomach pains for tow days. Cant even keep down water. Turns out i have an ulcer.

  3. Dammit, I need better battery terminals. Don't have room for all my connections.

  4. going to try to get drunk, then see if the wife will do some weird shit.

  5. going to try to get drunk, then see if the wife will do some weird shit.

  6. going to try to get drunk, then see if the wife will do some weird shit.

  7. 12" nonported sub boxes please people!!

  8. sold the kenwood 9105d, now only sell all this other stuff...

  9. Mods please!, all these bots are ruining my smd experience!

  10. amazing how folks always want audio for cheap...

  11. Mods please!, all these bots are ruining my smd experience!

  12. Mods please!, all these bots are ruining my smd experience!

  13. amazing how folks always want audio for cheap...

  14. Just got off the phone with e40 Fonzarelli - looks like he is coming to the shop soon for a demo......and discuss an install. That would be an epic youtube video with the man himself in my Tahoe! Can't wait for that!

  15. Clamped 781 on the skar 1500 @ 2.3ohms. Mad voltage drop though, forgot to look, but on music it drops to 12's so full tilt tone is probably high 11's.

  16. Anyone know the Exact cutout for a Zcon 18? Using Jasper.

  17. So, I somehow managed to get my left knee to bend to the left today while walking. Now i can only bend it to about 90°. FML

  18. i like my women like i like my internet, 3G

  19. That moment when you catch someone beating at the gas station and you have to consider if you can get out of town before the cops get called before turning it up.

  20. Almost ruined my speaker pods. Tried to wrap them in fleece after i had the first layer done. The fleece i have is just too thick and does not like resin. Anyway. Managed to pull it all back off without ruining the pods. Going to just add layers of chop mat then sand and bondo.

  21. Almost ruined my speaker pods. Tried to wrap them in fleece after i had the first layer done. The fleece i have is just too thick and does not like resin. Anyway. Managed to pull it all back off without ruining the pods. Going to just add layers of chop mat then sand and bondo.

  22. Almost ruined my speaker pods. Tried to wrap them in fleece after i had the first layer done. The fleece i have is just too thick and does not like resin. Anyway. Managed to pull it all back off without ruining the pods. Going to just add layers of chop mat then sand and bondo.

  23. Almost ruined my speaker pods. Tried to wrap them in fleece after i had the first layer done. The fleece i have is just too thick and does not like resin. Anyway. Managed to pull it all back off without ruining the pods. Going to just add layers of chop mat then sand and bondo.

  24. Almost ruined my speaker pods. Tried to wrap them in fleece after i had the first layer done. The fleece i have is just too thick and does not like resin. Anyway. Managed to pull it all back off without ruining the pods. Going to just add layers of chop mat then sand and bondo.

  25. Almost ruined my speaker pods. Tried to wrap them in fleece after i had the first layer done. The fleece i have is just too thick and does not like resin. Anyway. Managed to pull it all back off without ruining the pods. Going to just add layers of chop mat then sand and bondo.

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