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Status Replies posted by purplesyrup

  1. So, a Sherriffs Deputy just knocked on my door and said he just received a complaint about my driving, caller even gave them my plate. Pretty fucking funny considering the car has been parked since 730 last night. He felt my hood and told me not to worry about it. Haters haters everywhere!!!!

  2. Just got a Go Pro Hero 3 Black Edition! Time to learn how to use it and get some badass video of the truck!!

  3. 7 inch dash kit arrive for the jag, hmmm what should i do next

  4. Its x2louder because its bridged

  5. So the secret is out.... I ordered 2 18" B2 Audio Xc Loud will be here soon :D

  6. So the secret is out.... I ordered 2 18" B2 Audio Xc Loud will be here soon :D

  7. morning bass heads, hope everyone has a hi spl day today.

  8. DANG YOU MY CONTENT!!!!!!! I cant find anything

  9. man i need to buy a camera soon my phone doesnt pick up flex that well

  10. LOL @ CACO Members trying to troll. How cute. Mods shall be busy tonight.

  11. Does anyone know or heard of a 12' eclispe subwoofer?

  12. The "My content" section that shows me new replys of posts ive either made or replied to is blank, I wonder why?

  13. Rims,Rubber, and also tint tomorrow...Thinking 5%.

  14. ay pay me uh bill maan, aaaayyyyy

  15. happy MARDI GRAS MOFO'S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! on the real day

  16. Just figured out that the feedback or "Alt whine" I guess it sounds like, is coming from my iPhone. Lol waddafack? I got my earbuds in right now and I can hear it. All this time. God dammit.

  17. Just got an extra job at an audio shop \m/ fuck yes.

  18. Just got an extra job at an audio shop \m/ fuck yes.

  19. I was just shooting a quick review video of the new engine put in the jag, and my garage door started closing on its own, I was no where near either remote, and no one was awake to come outside and push the button, which i would have seen, weird!!!

  20. I was just shooting a quick review video of the new engine put in the jag, and my garage door started closing on its own, I was no where near either remote, and no one was awake to come outside and push the button, which i would have seen, weird!!!

  21. I was just shooting a quick review video of the new engine put in the jag, and my garage door started closing on its own, I was no where near either remote, and no one was awake to come outside and push the button, which i would have seen, weird!!!

  22. I was just shooting a quick review video of the new engine put in the jag, and my garage door started closing on its own, I was no where near either remote, and no one was awake to come outside and push the button, which i would have seen, weird!!!

  23. Was interviewed today at a local audio shop for installer position. Damn hope I get the job.

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