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Status Replies posted by Neckbeard

  1. if someone had x-ray vision ... can they still see when they close their eyes ?

  2. I essentially "decafed" a bunch on songs and make them peak at 30Hz for when i get my build going xD

  3. I essentially "decafed" a bunch on songs and make them peak at 30Hz for when i get my build going xD

  4. I essentially "decafed" a bunch on songs and make them peak at 30Hz for when i get my build going xD

  5. I essentially "decafed" a bunch on songs and make them peak at 30Hz for when i get my build going xD

  6. Have you ever had the best sexy of your life and then realized your were by yourself the hole time..... Yea me either

  7. anyone know of some ideas to mount amp under seat? i was thinking of rubber/plastic extenders to keep the amp off the ground, yet have it drilled into the chasis

  8. anyone know of some ideas to mount amp under seat? i was thinking of rubber/plastic extenders to keep the amp off the ground, yet have it drilled into the chasis

  9. two tens are better than one for a young kid's 1st system because we all know everyone that has ever said all I want is a lil' bump, a bass head's famous last words because we know they're gonna want way more LOL, BASS LIFE!

  10. guess where i was at? damn right, in the closet. Grab the pump now its my turn to make a deposit. God damn i love SPM


  12. Measure never, cut 28 times. Guess and check.

  13. well started putting together my box and found that one of the sides is too small. now gatta go buy some more mdf! FML

  14. well started putting together my box and found that one of the sides is too small. now gatta go buy some more mdf! FML

  15. Anyone not in California wanna let me ship Platidip to their house then ship to me? lol you can't buy gallons in CA..stupid state rule...morons

  16. Didnt want to make a thread, Smaller tires/wheels = better gas mileage? like, if a truck has 33s on it. lower it and put 20s with some 245/35, would it get better mpg?

  17. Anyone not in California wanna let me ship Platidip to their house then ship to me? lol you can't buy gallons in CA..stupid state rule...morons

  18. Didnt want to make a thread, Smaller tires/wheels = better gas mileage? like, if a truck has 33s on it. lower it and put 20s with some 245/35, would it get better mpg?

  19. Didnt want to make a thread, Smaller tires/wheels = better gas mileage? like, if a truck has 33s on it. lower it and put 20s with some 245/35, would it get better mpg?

  20. Didnt want to make a thread, Smaller tires/wheels = better gas mileage? like, if a truck has 33s on it. lower it and put 20s with some 245/35, would it get better mpg?

  21. Didnt want to make a thread, Smaller tires/wheels = better gas mileage? like, if a truck has 33s on it. lower it and put 20s with some 245/35, would it get better mpg?

  22. Didnt want to make a thread, Smaller tires/wheels = better gas mileage? like, if a truck has 33s on it. lower it and put 20s with some 245/35, would it get better mpg?

  23. Didnt want to make a thread, Smaller tires/wheels = better gas mileage? like, if a truck has 33s on it. lower it and put 20s with some 245/35, would it get better mpg?

  24. If a vehicle has 2 alts each outputting 200A at idle, is total idle output 400A? If so, wouldn't that make a dual setup better than a stronger single alt?

  25. Someone gift me some games on steam, i'm bored as tits

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