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Status Replies posted by Krakin

  1. Starting my summer semester at Cameron tonight. American Federal Government from 6:15-9:30, 8 weeks. I'll only need 2 credits to graduate HS when I start my senior year, hell yeah!

  2. So when I was filling up my truck this jerk behind me honks at me... Trust me man I would make the gas come out faster if I could.

  3. So when I was filling up my truck this jerk behind me honks at me... Trust me man I would make the gas come out faster if I could.

  4. Been thinking. Is my sig too long? Does it bother anyone?

  5. Getting quilts foam or anything soft to tie down over our cars to protect from large hail tonight.

  6. Getting quilts foam or anything soft to tie down over our cars to protect from large hail tonight.

  7. Getting quilts foam or anything soft to tie down over our cars to protect from large hail tonight.

  8. is it bad that I did an extreme chest/tricep workout on monday after 8 months of not working out, and i'm still just as sore as the first day of recovery?

  9. Cut my thumb to the bone at work today... BUT I GOT MY SKY HIGH WIRE IN! Ordered monday at 10 am, shipping info came at 10:20, and it got to my house at 4. Hell. Yeah!

  10. Cut my thumb to the bone at work today... BUT I GOT MY SKY HIGH WIRE IN! Ordered monday at 10 am, shipping info came at 10:20, and it got to my house at 4. Hell. Yeah!

  11. fucq this ddx719 its out of here 80 prs on the way see what these morel sound like active

  12. Got the truck all dipped and now time to start on the insides!

  13. verry happy can pull off a mini hair trick with my 2 12"

  14. Got one 10 in on 900w. Just after a week I want to get another 10 and put both on 2k.

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