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Status Updates posted by Nates_Veloster

  1. Pretty day. Enjoying some time with the family outside.

  2. Dumb questions.. would LED strips work off of the - & + of your amp speaker inputs?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Carbon


      Not at all man. dont do it

    3. Need Bass

      Need Bass

      [arguingwithmyself]Depends on what you're amp puts out. I used to have a 360 watt amp that pushed 2 really old Rockford Fosgate Punch RFA-810 10 inch subs, a weak beginner system to be sure, and I had green LEDs run off of the speaker wire, and they didnt blow. Of course, it wasn't even 500 watts so there's a good chance LEDs would blow on your appliccation.[/arguingwithmyself]

    4. Nates_Veloster


      they didn't work.. i tried and they never came on. look good on the DC's though

  3. LEDs came in today. Can't wait to get them on those two DC beauties

  4. Still sick...sucks...

  5. Plasti'ed the rim inserts today. Couldn't get the rims off to do calipers. Sub in. Still needs some more tweaking, but it's all getting there.

  6. Everything is finally in. Sounds great. Needs tweaking. Will get a video up in a few days

    1. Nates_Veloster


      And starting some PASTI today!

    2. Kyblack76


      I wanna see? Is the alt in?

      Dude? Id like more that that weak ass up date!?

    3. Nates_Veloster


      LOL. I don't have my phone for pics. The alt just went out to get started. I need to pay for it, but Mike is being super cool and working with me. That will be added later, probably around September I'd guess. I resigned my position and will be moving to NOLA so money has tightened up to get ready for new house and job. I'll get some pics up soon.

  7. Sub in & guess what? It didn't fit. Amp rack had to be moved back 6 inches, which means seats won't close and had to adjust studs on darn box because they were touching circuit breaker. New 300a fuse is installed under hood, box is in and screwed down. Everything plugged up but couldn't get DD1 to work right, so back at it tomorrow to set amps. Then hoping to start plasi on rim inserts.

  8. Whats the resting voltage on a xs3700?

    1. Nate Futuristic

      Nate Futuristic

      12.6 minimum anything lower and it needs a charge

  9. Needing some pre-DD1 DC 2k/DC 175 amp settings

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nates_Veloster


      a LOT of my car runs through the HU so I am not ready to change it just yet. Plus it's a great unit.

    3. DubNDodge


      I just leave everything flat on the HU. What the DD.1 won't set is the crossovers. Crossovers need to be adjusted after words. On the sub amp, you can get away with the "estimating" where the crossover is because the range isn't huge like a 4 chan. Are you running active with the 175? It would take something like a cc.1 to perfect those crossovers.

    4. Nates_Veloster


      Ya. I would love a CC1 but just can't afford it right now. Saving for my alt. I am guess I am active. I need to set both my 7 band eq and the eq on both the 2k and 175

  10. Looking for some settings for my two DC amps and maybe even my EQ. Take a look at my build, throw me some suggestions

    1. Keith77


      if I had the tools Id send them to you to use.

  11. figured out why car is running rough and engine light is on. Need to top off 3700 tomorrow. bugs bugs, killing the bugs

  12. This will all be worth it in the end, right? ;) Just fighting this sickness and these bugs in the stereo

    1. HatersGonnaHate


      No it's not worth it in the end.

      Because there is no end lol.

    2. Nates_Veloster


      ...this is true. Problem is there is an end to the money. LOL Working on getting my new Alt. Just need to find someone who knows where to start with this voltage issue I am having.

    3. DubNDodge


      This^ I thought I was happy with what I had. I still want to be louder. I am addicted

  13. Sick with the flu..agitated with this PMC..just want to listen to some sound!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nates_Veloster


      Sucks. Ready to throw in the towel on this rebuild. No one seems to know what exactly to do and there's no one local to get 'hands on' with it. Tired I guess.

    3. WastedTalent


      Bro, be the first. Think many people knew how to do car mods? Think many people knew how to do a lot of shit? Hell no. They just said F it and figured it out.

    4. Nates_Veloster


      LOL. Trying. This whole voltage and PMC stuff is way over my pay grade. I am working on it though.

  14. Sick as a dog today. Still got a few small things done. PDB stuff arrived. Actually heard the miss and highs. Tomorrow I'll DD1 and set everything. Need to do a little work to my box before Fi gets back in.

  15. Nothing to do today. I am so ready to hear this thing. Monday PDB stuff arrives, tuesday/wednesday the rest.

    1. purplesyrup


      dang i thought you were going to have it done today , were the parts supposed to show up today?

    2. Kyblack76


      Damn.. Get some Nate

  16. About 95% done. Few small small things to tidy up. Waiting on Project DB stuff and one more Sky High thing to show up. As soon as PDB gets here I can hear some sound! Photos coming...

  17. Let's finish this up today! Happy Good Friday fellas.

  18. One more long day and I should hear sound. Tomorrow is the day! Photos uploading.

    1. purplesyrup


      heck yea get some video footage

  19. Build log updated. Going to bed. Back at the grind on this refresh tomorrow!

  20. Looking for some advise on where to put RF circuit breaker.

  21. Got a lot done. Probably two more days (if I work alone) until it's done. Photos later tonight.

    1. Carbon


      Wish I could get my build done this quick :(

    2. Nates_Veloster


      Fedex sent my VM1 to the wrong house. The guy who received it bought it back to me, and 10 min later the driver came by and said 'did you get your package'. I was glad it didnt go MIA.

  22. Going do work today! Lets gooooo

  23. OOOOOOOO.... VM1 and DB Project inputs are here tomorrow. :) :) :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Nates_Veloster


      No, I know fedex sucks horrible. Fedex smart shipping will NEVER be done. I found out how that works. IDK if you know, but that stuff is in your city weeks before they deliver it. The post office just lets it sit in the back until they want to deliver it. I personally love ups. I have a great guy who goes out of his way to get me my stuff fast once he gets it. He will even call.

    3. WastedTalent


      Nate, by any chance, any way to pick it up? The smart shipping bs. "At U.S. Postal Service facility" is my thing. Do you know if there's a way I can say screw that and go pick it up? Or do you not know?

    4. WastedTalent


      Err, scratch that. "Out for delivery"... lol. I swear, not here today... SOMEONE GON DIE!!! $84 worth of cologne. Shit that is no longer made. Delicious smelling stuff, stuff you wish you could eat.

  24. Back home. Back on rebuild tomorrow. Can't wait.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Nates_Veloster


      Yessa. Exactly. I am pretty blessed. I know what I was placed on this earth to do. I know where I am supposed to be. Now I get to go chase my dream and have fun doing it. :)

    3. Nates_Veloster


      Plus, here I get to hang with cool cats like you and purp and ky

    4. WastedTalent


      cats? I ain't no cat. I'm a dog. ROUGH! lmfao!!

  25. Going to NOLA for two days to look for a new job. Rebuild on hold until I get back. Ready to get this done.

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