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Everything posted by jasonw30

  1. you talking about the same one from that other forum?the one jbondox hated so much?
  2. sounds good.looks like you had you some flex going on.nice for 1 15.
  3. congrats,bro!!! ain't nothing like a bunch of kids running around the house..lol. look at it this way,at least you will get plenty of gifts on x-mas,b-day,fathers day,ect,ect....
  4. never owned p3's,but rf subs get loud.i've owned w6's and they sounded great.
  5. x2...plus its alot more eff..
  6. x2...i thought Chris was fixin to do a truck install.
  7. hell yeah!!!good job on those numbers.....to both of you(roscoe and assman)
  8. awesome!!!not to many bagged vehicle's around here.i'm gona have to come to Cali one of these days.
  9. of the show.i did'nt really mean right now.
  10. good luck,bro.take us some pics now.
  11. i'd say ,yes.i think you'll be fine with them. 4 of them should get real loud!
  12. something has got to be wrong somewhere,those subs should handle that power.
  13. thanks David.i will try and give them a call.
  14. ok,no dealers here have the mobile audio batts.
  15. also i'm looking at getting a couple of 600's or 800's.
  16. i don't know where i can get them.plus they cost alot more don't they?
  17. i've heard alot of good stuff about both. what do you guys think?oh,and by the way the caps are leaving.
  18. i'll tell you something i used to drink,but its kinda harsh.it will FUCK YOU UP THOUGH. its called a mexican nightmare.1/2 yagermeister and 1/2 jose quervo tequilla.better have a strong stomach.
  19. ya'll need to try some sweet tea and put some lemon in it.
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