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06 Civic Build - New Build List on page 60

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interesting box design, looks good!

Your daughter reminds me of my little sister! She's 8 but she knows how to use tools :)

Ya I was wondering who was going to comment on that first. I originally was going to do port in the center and then wrap it around the back side of the enclosure. But after Effing up the angles on the back side twice, remember it's a wedge box so while the side is square, the back is all angle cut, I decided TO HELL WITH IT, and try it this way! I'm not real happy with the port low like that. It just doesn't look right to me. Remember I'm about looks as well as sounding good. So I may build it again and do it that way and just deal with the headache of the angles and such.

OH, also, I was talking about the other enclosure; sub facing cabin and the port in the pass through, but I've heard from more that a few people who own civics, that they just are hard to make sound good like that. I'm sure Blackened is the exception, but I may not do that at this time. I'm also short on 3/4" mdf, so I don't know if I wanna buy another sheet just to do another enclosure that is getting bad reviews. So we'll see.

Slant boxes are hard to design and build, so I fully understand. I've only used one slat box, and it was prefab lol. But it worked great.... Your box looks great none the less.

You could try an aero port too or two smaller ones. On the monster 15 I'm building I'll probably build a box with two smaller ports instead of one big one. To keep it symmetrical ya know?

But if you want sub and port facing cabin, you gotta seal the whole baffle off imo, not just the port. I tried that in my GP and failed. The way you've built your trunk its hard to call..... If you didn't have have all that wood behind the seats itd be diff. Personally I would keep the trunk to the cabin as free flowing as possible seeing that you need your rear seats. Rear speakers gone, all holes opened ect.

I've done a few trunk builds over the past few years and they're all about the same as far SQ and output goes(subs/port back). Unless you trunk wall. The rear seats in my sedan are lined with 1/4" maybe thicker sheet metal, very minimal holes/ports into the cabin. Seats down the gain is intense. Its a 60/40 split, and I can easily hear the difference in one side down vs both. I'm rambling but I hope it helps :)

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Nice work today bro, can't wait for you to hear how it sounds! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

Me either! Thanks for the Merry Christmas! I hope you and yours had a great day as well!

Scooter your builds seriously inspire me to do great and pay attention to detail like you do. Some of the stuff you worry about no one will ever see or notice . that is kick ass, im the same way, my mom will say it looks fine and I have to have it perfect! I FCKING LOVE THIS BUILD!!!!!! :yahoo:

Thanks bro! I figure if I'm puttin in the work, it'd better damn well look like I imagine it! Even if that means an extra 4 or 5 steps behind the scenes. Cause in the end, it's always a shortcut you can't see that throws the whole thing off.

I'm hoping that the events tomorrow will blow yours and my sox off at the same time! Tomorrow should be a great and big day! :yahoo: Good night everyone!

Nice man! I was Lookin at ur UBL and ur amp rack u started. Did u free hand those cut outs? They are so perfect! My dad has a porter cable router new we have used twice cause we don't need one much like in ur situation I woulda jig sawed it. I wanna get good with the router :) any tips?

My Truck Build
Spending money on things I don't need, to impress others I don't know.
At the end of the day for me its about the love of customizing anything and everything to limits or even past reasonable.-SkyHighCarAudio

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Hey guys, my UBL (linky in my signature) is officially up to date and cleaned up! Just letting you all know! Thanks! :drink40:

I saw it and I was confused at first lol.

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Ok so I'm trying to rip the cd into lossless format now. Never done this so I hope I'm doing it right. Also looking at Kies program and Air Droid program for getting music to my tablet. I think I'm there, I'm just waiting to sync my ipod to my computer. I have all my other music on my laptop and it's currently unavailable.

I picked up some stuff at Home Depot this morning on the way home from spin class! Fiberglass Resin, a new air powered angled die grinder for sanding, and some extra brushes. Gonna get messy today!

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Ok so here's the deal. I got some pics, but I'm gonna hold on to em till tonight. There aren't many of them. It's amazing, btw, how many points you can score by taking your kids to McDonald's! HA!

So after I got some work done earlier, I decided to say EFF it and stop and clean up the workbench a bit. I couldn't find anything and it was pissin me off! So now that's done, I'm eating lunch, then I'm back at it full bore! Not probably going to get as far as I wanted to, but i'm happy with a clean workbench and some progress made. I'll gain ground this afternoon for sure!

More to come!

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Ok another day in the books. Not nearly as much done as I thought I'd get, but I'm pretty pleased with the progress. I can see things coming together.

First up I started Version 2 of the tablet pan. The more and more I look at this and think about it, the more and more complex it seems. But I'm gonna keep working at it. Here we go.


If you will recall, I was going to use the docking station for this. After taping it up, and looking at it I decided not to do it that way. I decided I would just use the base part of it, and cut it in later. Thankfully I decided this after tape and not after glass or there'd be a version 3.





Time for glass! ALl my materials, including my coffee! Let's go for it.



Got some wax on it this time to help with the separation after drying.


Then I started the glassing process!


2 layers!


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