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Sealed Box Project - need advice

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greetings everyone, i currently have 2 10inch Kicker COMP subwoofers, 4ohm SVC 150watts RMS each, hooked up to a MTX TC3001 amp (i wired them in paralell so there would be a 2ohm load on the amp which outputs 300watts rms at 2ohm. i recieved the box and 2 old kicker comps ( one was blown) from my boss as a gift for helping him out with a job errand, the box is of alright quality ( put together using a nail gun, and theres a small hole for the speaker wire to run to the amp, it could have been built better). i listen only to heavy metal/thrash metal, death metal, black metal etc), so alot of double bass drums are put through these subs. below is what i want to do

specs of single 10inch Comp (4ohm)

Size (IN.,CM) 10, 25.0

Impedance (OHMS) 4

Max Rec Amplifier Power (WATTS PEAK/RMS)* 300/150

Sensitivity (dB 1w/1m) 86.2

Frequency Response (Hz) 30-500

Mounting Depth (IN.,CM) 5-1/16, 12.8

Mounting Cutout (IN.,CM) 9-1/8, 23.1

Min Rec Sealed Box Volume (CU. FT., Liters) 1.0, 28.3

Max Rec Sealed Box Volume (CU. FT., Liters) 2.4, 68

specs of amp

RMS Power @ 4 Ω

150 Watts x 1 Channel and <1% THD+N

Signal-To-Noise Ratio

(1 Watt)

75 dB

CEA-2006 Secondary Ratings

RMS Power @ 2 Ω

300 Watts x 1 Channel and <1% THD+N

THD+Noise (Distortion) (1Watt)


frequency Response



Maximum Input Signal


Maximum Sensitivity


Non-CEA Specifications

Max Power

900 Watts

Low Level Input


Hi-Level Input w/ Smart Engage Auto Turn-on


Low-Pass Crossover

40Hz-200Hz, 24dB

SubSonic Filter

30Hz, 12dB/oct

Thunder EQ

0-18dB, Freq. 40Hz

Remote Level Control

Subwoofer (Parallelable)


sony cdx -gt 200


dimensions of the current box are as follows.

width 29 inches

height 11 inches

depth 14.5 inche

cubic feet : 1.96542

dimensions of the box i want to build

width 33 inches

height 14 inches

depth 20 inches

cubic feet = 4.21549

the old box has NO polyfil stuffing in it. the new box will be made of 3/4inch thick MDF, be properly sealed and have polyfil stuffing.

The Goal of this whole project

im not 100% satisfied with how my subwoofers sound when double bass drums are playing (sound a bit echoey/muddy), kicker recommeneds for a "compact" enclouse a minimum of 0.9 cubic feet per subwoofer, and 2.3 cubic feet for "maximum SQ " per subwoofer". I want the bass to not sound muddy and also hit hard, am i taking the right path building a new and bigger box, or should i make it smaller?, keep in mind i may replace the amp and subwoofers with better 10s such as the kicker compVR or compVX . So what should i do ? :)

thanks for the help!

Edited by kreator_destruction_sodom
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Umm, if you want better bass drum sounds, you're better off with a ported box cause it's very difficult to reproduce that sound correctly without a port.

Edited by Omega5002

2003 Kia Sorento

Team Subsonic Lows
Team Bassin' on a Budget

2016 Rebuild Under Construction

Best score: 150.2 at 40hz (3k, 2 Custom HDC3 15's) Usaci style(door open, in the kick)

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But regardless of what box you make, it's actually a good idea to build to max sizes specs, especially if you're gonna go from comp to cvr to cvx, and as you upgrade, the magnets get bigger meaning more cu ft taken up, so you'll have more room when you build to max cu ft specs, and you'll go deeper too cause longer wavelengths has room to travel.

Now, if you're going to use that box through multiple setups, make sure that box is sturdy as possible, like adding bracing, and some people even fiberglass the inside of it to make it as sturdy as possible cause the last you want is your box to flex. Also make sure to seal the edges properly so you don't get air leaks.

2003 Kia Sorento

Team Subsonic Lows
Team Bassin' on a Budget

2016 Rebuild Under Construction

Best score: 150.2 at 40hz (3k, 2 Custom HDC3 15's) Usaci style(door open, in the kick)

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yep, i will be pilot drilling holes for 2 inch long wood screws and using carpenters glue on the panels where they join, then for interior i will be using clear silicone on the corners ( will let it dry and air out for a few days before i put it to use.. i was under the assumption that if i wanted fast and tight bass ( especially for my death metal, a sealed box would be better?)

here is an example of the type of music i listen to ... lol dont freak out :P




along with slayer, megadeth, metallica, motorhead, rammstein , arch enemy

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Well, a sealed box is easier to build that I can tell you, while a ported box requires more calculations so you get the right box tuning, and such, but you will get much better results with a ported box cause I've heard metal in sealed box, and it just sounds weird, like somebody put a pillow inside the bass drum to block the port kinda sound.

I have a friend who listens to same type of music you do along with industrial, and he has 2 w7 12's in a sealed built to JL's specs, and he played metal on it, and it sounded so weird compared to me listening to actual shows I went to since I have a bunch of friends who are in local "Hardcore" bands, and they go nuts with bass drums, and when I hear that sound being reproduced on a sealed box, it sounds like it's missing that bass drum port sound I look for.

But you are in the right place, cause if you can't figure out a ported box, there's people here you can pay to design one for you one, like RAMDesigns, 412CVX, and a few others.

2003 Kia Sorento

Team Subsonic Lows
Team Bassin' on a Budget

2016 Rebuild Under Construction

Best score: 150.2 at 40hz (3k, 2 Custom HDC3 15's) Usaci style(door open, in the kick)

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well i kinda jumped the gun and had the mdf cut yesterday at home depot ( the guy was cool and didnt charge me anything for the cuts) so i spent about 38$ on the mdf, ill try to build it at the size i made and stuff it and see how it is..   the new dimensions  cant go any bigger due to trunk space limitations.  all i can do now is trim the panels so the box is smaller( i do have leftover mdf). and i havent heard my type of music on a ported enclosure so im worried about building a ported box.. :(

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Higher tuned ported box will keep up just fine. I've got a buddy that listens to a lot of heavy metal stuff and he wanted a little more bass than his stock speakers put out.

he ended up getting a pair of 8's. built him a box tuned to 36, and he absolutely loves it.

no sense upgrading the subs if you're not gonna upgrade the amp. the comp 10's will take a 500 RMS amp easssy

Just say no to Ground Pounder Customs.

More box builds

some cars do over 170db with one sub, so clearly my two 12"s can do that in my car, with my knowledge too! look out bitches!

I'm with captain stupid.

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if i plan on getting better subs i will be upgrading amp as well, well ill give this box a shot, worst case scenario it will sound alot worse then the current one and ill switch em back out. and build a ported box, best case scenario it sounds exactly like i want it to and keep it. this is my first system ever so im a bit paranoid to push 500 watts rms to these subs. :( (i do still have receipt for purchase and the original boxes for em, i got these subs at a discounted price when i went to the local distributor, kicker said i bring in the old blown subs then i can get new ones of the same model for a discounted price.)

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As long as that 500 watt rms is clean power( go easy on the gain), you won't blow your subs, and they can take 500 rms. But yeah, try that box out, and see how you like it.

2003 Kia Sorento

Team Subsonic Lows
Team Bassin' on a Budget

2016 Rebuild Under Construction

Best score: 150.2 at 40hz (3k, 2 Custom HDC3 15's) Usaci style(door open, in the kick)

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