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07 Fit - New Vid of the AB XFL15 flex on Pg 4

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Small update time. I made a bit of progress this weekend. In doing so I decided this is the last box I will build without a router, table saw, and nail gun. Doing it with a drill, jigsaw, and circular saw sucks so much.


The start of the box itself, freaking huge...


Double layer baffle for the subs. Glued and screwed. Waiting a day for it to dry before I mount it in place.

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Got some more goodies for the box today. I guess the price of resin has gone up since I last bought it 10 years ago, or at least I don't remember it being so expensive. So I only got the smaller jug for now. I'll be using the mat pictured on the seams first then depending how much is left I might do some coats in other areas. I got some white paint for inside of the ported section, I've seen some other boxes done like this and like the look. I also got some 3/8" bolts for the port since I want it to be removable. I was going to screw it in but then realized that could be a problem if I need to access or swap the woofers later. Although it will still be hard with only a 13.5" x 13.5" opening but better than 12" x 12" plus the port will obviously not be in the way either.

I also got a can of black plasti dip, didn't plan on it but saw it there and have wanted to try it out. I am going to cover the H logo on the front and rear of the car and see how it turns out. If I like it I plan to do my wheels in the future.

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Small update for the day.


This is just the layout of the port hole I need to cut, screwdriver for scale.


Got a pocket jig today, makes mounting the MDF much simpler and no splitting.


Baffle in and mounted, drill in there for scale. It's a pretty big box, gonna be tough to pick up. Roughly 17 sq/ft before port/woofer/baffle displacement.

That's all for now.

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looks great man..big 4th..my next purchase would be subs.

MY BUILD *****http://tinyurl.com/gmcbuild*****


2005 GMC Canyon

CB1000r - Currently where any future funds are going. (exhasut,bazzaz, ohlins shock, screen, etc.)

crf250r - Used to be race bike..now I just trail ride..practice at the track on it.

CH80 - Daily beater (when nice weather)best 150$ ever spent. 100+mpg

Sold to:

Skullz - pstone11 - Leo1103 - Volvo 63' - pavelpardo - imnew59585

Shower farts still piss me off.

I think theyre pretty neat. When the water runs down your crack as you let one out... its like shitting in a crockpot.
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Thanks man, it certainly sucks being on a budget but it's better than nothing.

- Update, I got the port wood cut tonight and was going to keep working on the box but I found an issue with the car. I pulled the rear seats a few weeks ago and thought nothing of the bolt holes since they were pretty high up. Well I guess I should have as they are the only thing I can think of that would cause this, the spare tire well was FULL of water. There was a 1" deep puddle, plus the rear seat area floorboards were wet too.

The carpet was so soaked I got my pants wet just kneeling on it while unbolting the seats. Needless to say those holes are now sealed shut with silicon. That is the only thing I can think of that I changed that could have caused this, hopefully that fixes the problem. I am going to leave the carpet out for a bit to make sure no water returns. I just drove in some mega slushy deep snow this week so I am thinking that is how it happened.

So as of now the car has zero interior. I also lost some of the FatMat deadening I just installed in the tire well since it was soaked. I am not too upset though after reading it's not that great and it was pretty cheap too so not a major hit.


Here it is with the carpet still in and all the deadening ripped out where the puddle was. You can see it is still damp.


Closeup, again you can see all the moisture still present. Not thrilled with myself but live and learn.


Look ma - No seats...


Most of the interior ripped out aside from a few panels.

The carpet was filthy anyway, I think I'd vacuumed it like 3 times since owning the car in the past 6 years. So it was probably a good thing I had to pull it.

I am still going to try and finish the box this weekend but this set me back a little.

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I was out most of today but still made some progress.


Port built.



Bolted together. It was going to be removable but odds are I'll never swap it. I also decided to not bother glassing the inside of this box. I'll save it for a better project. I just sealed it up with glue/silicon. I doubt the resin/glass would make much difference with these basic woofers. I am already eyeing some bigger subs.



Front panel mounted.


6.5" mid for scale. It's a big freakin box for 4 10's.


Set the top panel on but didn't mount yet. Just wanted to see how it looked.


Didn't feel like ordering copper bolts and waiting for them to arrive so I just did the old fashioned silicon the wires into the box method.

I hope to get the inside area (where you can see in via the port) and the port itself painted tomorrow. As well as the woofers mounted/tested then screw the top on and seal it up. After that we'll see how this warlock sounds.

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Got it finished up tonight. I will make sure it sounds decent before taking the time painting or carpeting the outside.


2 subs mounted.


4 subs mounted.


All set to seal it up.


Last time I'll see the face of the subs for a while, well unless it sounds like crap but lets hope it gets down.


All sealed up, looking into the port.


The 4th order in all its glory. I still have all the interior out of my car (including the amp) but once the glue is fully dried tomorrow I'll put the amp in and test it out.

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