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Second Skin Audio

Need some help. (2) Sa-8 v.2 Spl Editions Enclosure


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Right now its tuned 25hz subsonic, 80 lpf, 20% boosted clean.

Is it possible a shitty head unit could cause bad sounding? Mine is quite old (just got the car, sold my good one with my old car) and have no replaced it. Older JVC, hate it a lot.

what type of box would you say these would work best in? Right now they are in an S shaped port, subs and port facing forward. Seen a lot of people say a T line would work well, or an aero port (however its spelled)

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I agree with Joe. I don't believe those version of the SA8 were designed to be super dynamic. they were made for SPL applications, ie one note wonder burp boxes. get the regular V2 version of the subs, tune to 35 Hz with about 1.25-1.50 cubes after displacements and your good to go. Those subs are likely not gonna do great on really wide range of music listening.

Im not the one you want to try to troll. Just a fyi for you.

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Well, that kinds sucks. O well. Ill just build a new box and see what I can end up with.

Would adding a few more help at all? Give me a bit more all around sound, or just go with the NS in a larger size?

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