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Second Skin Audio

port measurements

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wow ok so I don't know what I was thinking last night but apparently I should have gone to sleep and posted this in the morning, I was missing 3 cu.ft out of that box so the new one is 11.87 net volume which is slightly smaller but im planning on running 5k to 3600rms of subs so I guess a little smaller couldn't really hurt in this case right? lol anyway net is 11.87 box volume port specs are 156^2 port area and port per foot is 13.14^2 is this enough port for the box volume considering im going to be over powering these subs I would want to run a slightly smaller box with a port on the low side to compensate for the over powering wouldn't I? or should I just not worry about it because dc is an audio god and these level 3 15's will easily eat an extra 350W each and laugh about it. lol

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