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George Zimmerman arrested again

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Around 47 million people live in poverty (I state this due to the fact most crime and bad past/ childhoods stem from poverty). More people react to life in a more positive manner than a negative manner. Otherwise, with 47 million people living in poverty (which I think that number is WAY low), we would be one violent, fucked up nation, and honestly it is as bad as it could be.

We tend to remember only the bad, while forgetting the good, therefor this leaves you with only remember those who have down bad, with a bad past and we have the media to thank for their Unbiased reports, and over-educated reviews of these situations. They would never boast a news story for profit...ever. The media tends to brain wash the masses.

The whole Zimmerman BS case shouldn't matter who was involved (regardless of race, etc). The problem was how it was handled by the cops, FBI, President, media, and other high named retards who had to comment on it. The media pointed at Zimmerman after the President made a retarded comment. Problem is there. It's what they want you to see in the world. It's all perception.

Bad past doesn't mean you'll become a bad person. A good past doesn't mean you'll become a good person. Do a million things right, it can go unnoticed, fuck up once, all the fuck ups after that will be a million times worse.

Tired of hearing race, poverty keeps me back from succeeding...blah blah blah. I grew up in that poverty line, grew up in a fucked up area, and I think I came out ok. Sort of... Def did good for myself. Promised myself my kids would have it better; they do :)



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I dont care if he was guilty or not. When he was found not guilty. He was told not to have any weapons of anykind in his possession. My freind at work as the same thing. Not to have weapons. He does it just fine. GZ was found 3 times with weapons in the house he was stayin at. Thats all i have to say.

I'm sorry, but you were just found not guilty over the most media focused case, turned racial (for some reason?), known world wide, probably can't find a job any where, can't go any where cause of your 'fame'...and he should say, nahhhh, no one will try to seek revenge!?!?!? Now, I'm not agreeing with him or you, just playing a lil devils advocate. I'd bet he received a plethora of death threats and shit after all of that. He is an idiot though. lol



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its stupid that his rights got stripped even though he was innocent.. he should still be allowed to carry and own what he wants.. so are they going to take that right from every gun owner after protecting them selves.. is there a rule about only being able to defend your life once? its BS

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its stupid that his rights got stripped even though he was innocent.. he should still be allowed to carry and own what he wants.. so are they going to take that right from every gun owner after protecting them selves.. is there a rule about only being able to defend your life once? its BS

No Miguels you are right, you should not be stripped of your rights. And he was not stripped of his rights either. The comment made saying he was told not to ever carry a gun, that is totally misinformation being thrown out there by Dd9515 king. No judge ever made that order. Since he was not convicted of a felony or any crime, therefore his right to bear arms could not be taken from him.


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