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If Energy Cant Be Created Or Destroyed?

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well let me check the space-time-continum...


If you build it, db's will come...

NSPL World Record Holder Trunk 0-1800 watts---147.9 with 1722 clamped watts @ 40Hz(9-20-09).

Competition Only Record Holder Trunk 0-500 watts---148.1

2006 Nissan Altima 3.5 SE

Currently Rebuilding....

My 150db Plus Trunk Build

I do box designs.

[benH] 6:24 pm: clipping doesn't really hurt subs

[benH] 6:24 pm: being an idiot is what blows subs

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^agreed. We use pretty much all of our brain, but the majority takes care of our subconscious processes. We only actively use a small section, because for some reason our bodies like to breath and have our heart beat almost all the damn time :blink:

Honestly though, as much as we think about these things, why do they matter? Look at how long humans have been on the earth, and what do we have to show? A few piramids no one can figure out, a few mummified bodies we don't know who they're of, let alone know how to reproduce, and a few artifacts we can only speculate about.

A few thousand years from now after a natural disaster or something else will have left another civilization trying to figure out who we were, they'll wonder how our highway systems lent towards our religion and goofy crap like that ("they run east/west and north/sound, must be tring to capture the sun!")

With the way everything is written on paper or digitally, we really wont have much besides headstones to show for our existence.

To me it doesn't matter, people die, life goes on, and none of it will matter in the grand scheme of things.


XS Power


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We should have another section Dedicated to Philosophy, science and, creative thinking.. Id like to be the junior mod for the section. Seriously, that would be kick ass :):excl:

It would be cool...but it would probably be very likely to get out of hand fast...some people are to closed-minded to open their eyes to different ideas.

A vitrolic, megalomaniacal sadistic psychopath.

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The thing about all that is religion and creative thinking go hand in hand; same with politics....lets just keep it out of this site,...others (see:ROE) will take care of that shit... I don't think the best mod would be able to keep up with the arguments

A vitrolic, megalomaniacal sadistic psychopath.

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*sigh* you got a point bro. Well i thought it coulda worked for a bit..Oh well

It would be great...I always wish I was offered a class in something like creative thinking or contemporary studies, but my school picked Florida studies FTL... If people would just see other peoples arguments before setting their mind on something, then it would work...stubborn people.

A vitrolic, megalomaniacal sadistic psychopath.

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Im pretty open to ideas and stuff. I may not agree with someones ideas or whatever and vice versa.. What i cant stand is other people telling me that my ideas are flawed and bogus, or force me to accept their opinion. I love when me and my close friends get into discussions like that.. we get angry and disagree with certain things, but we have FUN talking to each other. Then we go eat something or go blow shit up :lol:

Yea I have some deep freakin discussions about this crap, but if you ask one of my friends what my opinions are they would be like..."uhhh, he says hit the red button that says fire alot!" HAHAHA EAT AND BLOW SHIT UP ;)

A vitrolic, megalomaniacal sadistic psychopath.

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im not atheist or anything but how do you know god made the universe? a book called the bible? its man made after all.....also..the bible doesnt have all the books in it like its supposed to...soooo....untill i see the others the bible version now is B.S..... flame me all you want....idc

nah man i dont flame ppl for what they think...but there is a reason for why "all" the books arent in the bible....Very shortly after the books were compiled, there were people who made false claims and stories, some very close to the th real thing. However, the people who lived in Jesus' time sat down and verified which ones held accurate and what not....i forgot the names of them tho ill have to look it up....Also, if you can believe that God made everything, it isnt as hard to believe that God spoke through ppl who wrote the bibloe...I mean Im sure if God didnt want a book in the bible, it wouldnt be in there....not making this political just sayin lol...

DAT 4125------>RE XXX comps active

Eclipse cd7000

I serve drunks for a living :D

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