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Safe to run 3 amps off one

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If the remote wire is fused the fuse will pop. If not the amps will not have enough current to turn on but your radio should still be on.

Ultimately reedal is right. The specs will tell you the whole story.

I just looked up a Pioneer 80prs and it's remote wire is rated at 300 milliamps of output current, that's barely enough for one amp!!!!

I run both my SQ 3500 and AQ 4 channel off of it, and even had my stock Bose amp on it for a bit with those. 80prs.
Technically then your breaking your own advice then. Do what I say not what I do type. This is a screen shot of the 80prs installation manual.


on the power cord specs, #17 clearly says 300mV, there's no way what you had hooked up was LESS than that. That being a SQ head unit I could see why they wanted output that low.

Anyway, not trying to call you out, just trying to show that every case is different and that even the specs don't give you a real world answer. By definition your set up should have predator self destructed that head unit!

I'll have to look at the AQ/SQ turn on requirements, but I believe it didn't pass it. Adding the Bose might have, but it held up.

Couldn't find the require input amperage for remote turn on in the manual, but I know I've read it somewhere (might have been one of snafu's threads) about how much an amp requires and adding my two up didn't come close to overdrawing the 300mA output of the 80prs. I'll do some more research for it another time though unless someone else finds it.

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