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Drunk I Am


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that is all

Jack Daniels FTW

damn its just 5 o clock.

That's why they don't deliver.

Yer ass better go sit along the side of the road and wait.

You can't expect them to travel up some dirt road in a hick / back woods town. Thats how horror movies start :D

I explain things very simply and use analogies in terms of Pickles, and grape drink, pool noodles and jackhammers...if you can't put 2 and 2 together there man, There simply is not much more I can do.

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You ppl need to find the fucking right area for drunk topics like where I moved this post to MURPHEYS PUB! You drunk and im not and been drinkin since last night.... Soft ass weakies....

Some people need a sympathetic pat... on the head...with my hammer

Scientia est Vox

"In Nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti"clover.gif




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well i usually dont drink when light is out, but we had a hurricane and i been confined to the house for a while. i tried to go to a bar last night but them bitches locked the door and wouldnt let anyone in. so i went down to were i work and we opened back up today, so i got smashed, looked at some titties and ass, and came home. great when you wrk at a bar and get free liquor

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