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I Think Financially Us Is F#@%ed

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printing up more money with nothing to back it makes it the dollar worth even less to the rest of the world, and thats not a viable option IMO.

how so.

What is making the dollar worthless is all the companies or any place that has employees working for them IMO.

The cost of living has sky rocketed.

Gas/oil being one major thing. and still there is no one doing jack shit about it, yes there is talk, but thats it. Just like that famous saying money talks trash walks. The gas companies are acting as a monopoly such as Microsoft, but yet there are how many oil companies, so there should be no monopoly prices going on like this.

Food has raised. $4.59 for a gallon of milk that costed $2.20 less then 2 years ago. Did our cows go into hiding and no longer produce dairy products.

If you name it, 99% of the time the cost has raised.

Smoke taxes (here in WI alone) a pack of smokes went from $2.30 generic brand $3.30 name brand like camel, newport, marbs now cost $4.80 min to $5.60 a pack.

These prices are based on things in WI. I know major cities are paying more, Id hate to see what gas costs in another place such as cali.

No matter where you look manufacturing of products, retail price anything your gonna buy has gone up. But yet your still making the same pay that you have been since all these prices have been sky rocketed.

Everything is doubling in cost. Making the cost of living to go up, gas, electric, heating oils.

Vehicle registration has gone up in cost, nothing changed in how you register vehicle.

How can you survive when your taking home a $3000 a month after taxes, and your cost of living with splurging yourself here and there on nicer things costes $2000 grand a month, and you still have $1000 a month of disposable income.

Now on average your montly cost of living is $4000 grand and you can no longer make ends meet. You are so short on cash, cant properly feed your family, and here comes the DEBT. You obviously dont make enough money to stay out of debt, so your morgatages get backed up, you cant pay your electric bill, you barly have enough money to feed your kid(s) let alone yourself.

So that to me is what makes the value of a dollar go down so bad, because the cost of living has went up, while all us still make the same amount of money.

If the mint prints out shit loads more money, there is no way that you will know if you got a newer loaned so to say bill, or an older bill. It will spend the same.



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LOL Polaris Victory motorcycles FTW....most American bikes in the world, only 1 part not made in America.

I just know what I heard. I worked for EST Company, I was a diecaster/setup person when needed.

Our largest contract was harley davidson making aluminum castings. Transmission, jugs, connection rods, blocks pretty much anything aluminum on a harly davidson.

Tho I do admin, since everything has gone up in cost, our company tried to give their employees raises, but harley could get the parts that we bad for 1/3 the cost. So why should they pay more, when they get a tax break to move their business overseas.

Our companies whole 2nd operations got the ax (cnc machinests, sand blasters, etc. As well as all the diecasters that where on the "Harley Team" that ran the Diecasters, we where the ones who could run the machines because our company met with Harley weekly for meetings, updates, flaws etc that the rest of the employees didnt attend.

Last I heard the companies division or whatever (leggit and platt) was trying to sell off our devision.

Our 2nd biggest contract was Kohler engines but was nothing near the size of a contract compaired to harley.

Also made other aluminum shit like valve covers, bellhousings for commings diesils, briggs and straton parts, Toro lawnmower decks, and John Deehr things.



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if people cant afford products, the price will eventually go down so they can move product. and if there is more money injected into the economy inflation will rise and dollar strength will drop.


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uhoh_45 said:
dont be a pussy P give the jeep to drew
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doesnt work that way bro, if we dont have gold to back up the money printed its wothless paper.

Well if thats the case, and there is this 800 billion dollars of printed up money just floating around not being used, WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THE PEOPLE THAT OWN THE MONEY?!? It has to be somewhere someplace.

I mean we are starving in a way and whoever is holding out is just laughing saying fuck them!

The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. but now those who use to be rich are the poor ones and shit is finally getting talked about..

It be nice to be a homeless bum right now. They dont got to worry about any of these, they still have that park bench to sleep on, that flatcar on the train for rides, and the bag of garbage for food...



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if people cant afford products, the price will eventually go down so they can move product. and if there is more money injected into the economy inflation will rise and dollar strength will drop.


Loaning out more money is going to do nothing, really!

After all loans are whats got us into this.

If this close to 800billion dollars is what we need, and it cant be printed up like david says it has to be a loan that must be repaid. Otherwise its worthless as david says because nothing is backing this.

I sure know If I was one of the people with this 800billion Id want my money back, and back with a interest rate added to it.

Not trying to call you out david, but its the way I see this, it dont make sense at all.

Maybe its just my wacky tabacy logic.


Theres lots that can not afford gas prices, do you see them steadily dropping like they raised?

Hell no, They may go down .10cents today, but tomorrow or the next day they will be up .20cents.

Just an example.



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we stopped having Dollar to Gold a long time ago.

the "strength" is a ratio of current money in circulation to goods and services being offered, i've always been anti-raising minimum wage. it does nothing but increase costs of business which increases product price which costs the employee "making more money" to spend more, its all pointless.


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uhoh_45 said:
dont be a pussy P give the jeep to drew
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we stopped having Dollar to Gold a long time ago.

if there is more money injected into the economy inflation will rise and dollar strength will drop.


your correct, I was just reading up about this, been yrs since I was economics class.

either way just printing up more money doesnt solve the issue, it makes the national Dept Grow even more

The National Debt has continued to increase an average of

$2.42 billion per day since September 28, 2007!

National Debt as of 30 Sep 2008 at 03:11:11 AM GMT is:

$ 9 , 8 9 6 , 9 8 8 , 3 7 8 , 1 3 7 . 0 9

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Not trying to get political, but it has to do with the issue..

But shit has been turning since we gone to war. How much do they spend per month on the war? 10 billion. How long has this war being going on?

The war is what is killing us imo. Too much money is being spent there, and as obama says we are still buying oil from irag..

Mccain says your considered to be middle class unless your making 5 million dollars a year....

Thats a lot of money. I lived great off of about 40 grand last year. I got my house paid off, bought a decent car, and a decent stereo that is not some cheap price walmart line gear. I kinda thought I did alright, but maybe that is me..

Now if I banked even a 100k a year, shit man id be happy and be having cars like meades ho, chickens hoopty and the rezcalade as just a few of my daily drivers.

But since none of us here besides maybe chicken makes 5 million a year. So that means we are not middle class, and we would be what, poor?

But say if chicken just made 5 million a year(lets say 5,000,000 and 1 cent. He just made the middle class bracket by a penny)!!! We all seen his rides, how he rolls, his house picture, Some of yall where lucky to kick it with the dude He spent $50K on 2 RF T15K amps, not to mention those pricey Zapco amps in the rezcalade. Would you consider that being middle class?

Tho Im sure he banks more then that, but just an example..

Tried not to get politcal too much, but these are things I hear on the news. But the fact of it is, we only know as much as is told. They can tell the press whatever they want, we dont know whats true and whats not. Thats why we get all these crazy conspirecys.



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if you look at everything the gov spends on, the war is a fraction of the cost of several other "costs"

look it up- the war barely breaks the skin


detail.gifI am a United States Military Arts and Crafts Professional. Sand it off, Paint it on. detail.gif

uhoh_45 said:
dont be a pussy P give the jeep to drew
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