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Why I Hate Barack Obama, Liberals And People In General.

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What kind of amp is best to push 2 BTL 15s (dual 2)? That's the kind of stuff that's debated on a credible audio forum like SMD. When you say you hate somebody, that's harsh thinking that doesn't really pertain to why a lot of people come to this Forum.

If this wasn't supposed to be brought up here there wouldn't be a Political Arena.

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i dont like the abortion thing as well. i like some of his plans... but what president has ever done what he says hes gonna do? the only thing that i really hate are the retards that are on the my president is black thing. who gives a shit what race he is. i really laughed at how many retards voted for him just because he was black and not knowing anything else about him. but oh well its done we will see how it goes.

I forgot to add that. Some people voted for Obama only because he is black. They figured if they didn't, they would be considered a racist. I think that is the exact reason Colin Powell said he was voting for Obama, well not exactly but if he didn't support the black candidate, he would be looked down upon.

I'm not saying he won't do some things but people are just obtuse and think everything he says will be done. I have some friends who think he will get things done just because he is black. I think Joe Pesci would have a hard in these times and he can get shit done.

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If this wasn't supposed to be brought up here there wouldn't be a Political Arena.

I concur, If there was not a political forum here I wouldn't bring it up. Obviously Steve Meade put that area here for a reason and I am putting it to use.

Furthermore I didn't see you say anything about the Nancy Grace thread so either you missed it or you seen it, are a liberal and are being a hypocrite.

Debate or get out.

(directed to the people who complain)

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This is a political arena, let's just all get along (or not, which is what politics is all about). By the way, I too hate how the economic problem is being handled. But I personally will stick to actual political forums for most of my rants, I tend to get a bit heated.

A vitrolic, megalomaniacal sadistic psychopath.

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i personally think instead of giving AIG hundred of billions of dollars why not give all the working tax payers even $100,000?

we could in turn pay off all of our credit cards ( most of us ), our car notes, our houses, and most of the stuff we have had financed for a few years.

thats my opinion

2006 F-150

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i personally think instead of giving AIG hundred of billions of dollars why not give all the working tax payers even $100,000?

we could in turn pay off all of our credit cards ( most of us ), our car notes, our houses, and most of the stuff we have had financed for a few years.

thats my opinion

Not to mention they payed millions in bonuses when they got their money.

You can't just give people that much money, there is a thing called inflation, and that would cause it. Look it up, figure out what it means, check out Karl Marx and how he caused inflation in his country through socialism, then decide whether they can just give people a hundred grand like that.


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wigglez that was a bit over the top, i dont want to invison dw giving any young lady a "cream pie" let alone "throat babies".
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judging by your opening statement I am going to assume you are a pro lifer(if not I appologize for assuming), let me just ask a quick question; why are pro lifers and vegatarians never happy with just not doing something themselves? it seems they always have to try and make everyone else bow to thier whims and be like them. and if you are wondering...yes, I am pro choice, a womans body is her own and NO ONE should be able to tell her what to do with it...the end. moving on, I noticed you blame Bill Clinton for the mess we're in, are you forgeting the last 8 years when this country was literally run into the ground by a fucking drunken drug addict? hell, Corky from Life goes on woulda been better...fuck, a retarded circus monkey could have done a better job than bush. and for everyone baggin on Obama, saying the country is going to tank because of him...you're not clairvoyant, you don't know whats going to happen in the future so stop acting like you do. the truth is alot of things that presidents have done in the past looked horrible to begin with but worked out in the end. I'm just saying give Obama a chance, I mean he's been president for like 15 minutes, and the damage that the drunken idiot did is not something that can be fixed overnight...

1990 Jeep Cherokee 4X4

Pioneer DEH-P2900MP, Big 3 done in 1/0, 1 run 1/0 ran to amp

DAT HF1000.1 #007 powering a DC lvl4 15

DAT HR 4085 prototype powering 2 Selenium 6s and 2 no name tweeters running active

1st place in AS3 @ Surf City Sound Off, 140.8 @ 45hz @ the headrest.

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Not to mention they payed millions in bonuses when they got their money.

You can't just give people that much money, there is a thing called inflation, and that would cause it. Look it up, figure out what it means, check out Karl Marx and how he caused inflation in his country through socialism, then decide whether they can just give people a hundred grand like that.

its only inflating things more giving out 700 billion in loans to the corporations when if the tax payers would have gotten the money it woulda went right back into the corporations pockets anyway we we paid off all the debts ...

and yes i blame bill clinton for the thing that gave everyone the chance to own homes and cars they couldnt afford.

2006 F-150

4 DC XL M2 18's Walled Daily Driver

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