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Well, what she said about Rush happens to be true. He does in fact, expect and want Obama to fail.... He doesn't give a damn about anything other than being able to say " I told you so " to all of those that voted for Obama. He is way to right -ring biased. He has lost sight of the greater good of this nation, and just wants to be the know it all, " I am right - you are wrong" kind of guy.

Funny or not, she kinda makes a damn good point.

and no, I didnt watch the clip. Just read what the article says.

That is not correct. Rush wants Obama's socialistic policies to fail. Not for Obama or America to fail, but his socialistic policies- because they are Socialist. He said this in an interview with Sean Hannity. Listen to what he says, not to what people say he said.


And what was the good point she made??? Rush actually was a Terrorist who didn't make the plane?

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That is not correct. Rush wants Obama's socialistic policies to fail. Not for Obama or America to fail, but his socialistic policies- because they are Socialist. He said this in an interview with Sean Hannity. Listen to what he says, not to what people say he said.


And what was the good point she made??? Rush actually was a Terrorist who didn't make the plane?

Nope, I heard the guy say "I want him to fail". He didn't mention anything about policies or anything like that until people called him on it and he had to back peddle. He wants Obama to fail. Period.

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Nope, I heard the guy say "I want him to fail". He didn't mention anything about policies or anything like that until people called him on it and he had to back peddle. He wants Obama to fail. Period.

Ok then- you despise a Political Pundit for speaking his opinion in America- the home of the free, but cheer a terrible comedian for wishing someone (anyone- who cares if it is Rush) DEATH.

Sounds like the Change we needed to me.

12 - 12"s in the STAY PUFT 1989 Chevy Astro

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You have a beard of a mysterious sea captain. I would follow you to hell and back.

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Ok then- you despise a Political Pundit for speaking his opinion in America- the home of the free, but cheer a terrible comedian for wishing someone (anyone- who cares if it is Rush) DEATH.

Sounds like the Change we needed to me.

I am by no means defending what this ignorant lady said... because shes an idiot and should watch what she say's, especially when taking into the account of what audience is listening

but if your talking about how one is entitled to their own opinion here in America...

then even if you did have a problem w/ what she said... you should write it off as her having her own opinion...

you don't have to like it... HELLL you can think she's and idiot like i do...

but whats the difference b/t what he (rush) said b4 bashing Obama and what and she (comedian) said bashing him...

She is a moron.

Her jokes aren't funny, and these were really old material anyway. How is it funny to make fun of September 11th? How is it funny to wish someone DEATH from Kidney failure??

How should we as Americans feel that OUR PRESIDENT Laughed at these jokes?!?!?!? He thinks 9-11 jokes are funny... and he thinks that it is OK to wish death upon someone just because politically he doesn't agree with their stance. I thought that the term was "Liberal"??? Doesn't sound too liberal to me.

ntm, leave Obama out of this, if you have a Bias agaist Obama... state it, don't just make shit up...

he was laughing about the jokes she made about him not being good at basketball, secret service, mowing the lawn...

he wasn't laughing at the 9/11 jokes... so if your gonna find a reason to hate on him, don't make shit up... especially if the link to what happens doesn't show him laughing. It also was a public event, so he was smiling alot for the camera and what not, so leave him alone unless you come up w/ more info to support ur claim.

Lastly, i heard his (Rush) comment, and i believe it was taken alil bit out of context, but thats because of the way he said what he said. Rush is a very intelligent person, and it sound like he has a critical eye for what going on in government which is good. I also share some of the same beliefs... idc what you say, he said what he said... instead of saying what he meant, he came of as meaning what he said... he said something very blunt, w/o actually realizing the effects of what he said, and how others were gonna take it. thats his fault, so you shouldn't come on here trying to defend w/ reckless disregard to what he did that was also negative. he's a big boy... he can take care of himself

Edited by 07sOnAtA sp.ed


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Well, what she said about Rush happens to be true. He does in fact, expect and want Obama to fail.... He doesn't give a damn about anything other than being able to say " I told you so " to all of those that voted for Obama. He is way to right -ring biased. He has lost sight of the greater good of this nation, and just wants to be the know it all, " I am right - you are wrong" kind of guy.

Actually, Rush is right. Basically what the deal is, (and what the liberal mind is unable to comprehend) is that Rush doesn't want obama to fail, obama has already failed. It's already at a point where he is saying "I fucking told you so you stupid dumbasses, quit wasting the damn oxygen on yourself"

If obama's policies do succeed our nation will just be destroyed quicker than needed. As I've said before, we are screwed as it is, obama is just making it happen faster and making the impact greater than it should be. So therefore, yes it's good that Rush does wish that obama's policies fail, his interest is in the better of our nation. In his own words he said "I hope obama fails" there is no doubt about it, I know, I was listening the day he said it. Maybe I'm just expecting too much from americans, obviously some of us are a little slow when it comes to understanding what someone says, however I as well as many others knew exactly what he meant. None of us even paid two thoughts to it until someone who supported obama came along saying "hey he just said he wanted obama to fail, he's un american, he's a mean guy" Basically someone was just looking for something to rag on the other party. Think of it this way, guys, you know when a girl tells you "I love you" you can tell by the rest of how they are talking if they really do just love you, or if they're a fucking lunatic stalker wanting to tie you up and bake herself a cake out of your socks and underwear. It's just one of those things where you understand the whole picture of what someone says even when they just say 3-4 words.

Now I for one wouldn't have even considered putting things so nicely as Rush does when he speaks of obama and that's as far as I will go about our "great leader" as I wouldn't like to end up on an FBI watchlist. ;)



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Actually, Rush is right. Basically what the deal is, (and what the liberal mind is unable to comprehend) is that Rush doesn't want obama to fail, obama has already failed. It's already at a point where he is saying "I fucking told you so you stupid dumbasses, quit wasting the damn oxygen on yourself"

If obama's policies do succeed our nation will just be destroyed quicker than needed. As I've said before, we are screwed as it is, obama is just making it happen faster and making the impact greater than it should be. So therefore, yes it's good that Rush does wish that obama's policies fail, his interest is in the better of our nation. In his own words he said "I hope obama fails" there is no doubt about it, I know, I was listening the day he said it. Maybe I'm just expecting too much from americans, obviously some of us are a little slow when it comes to understanding what someone says, however I as well as many others knew exactly what he meant. None of us even paid two thoughts to it until someone who supported obama came along saying "hey he just said he wanted obama to fail, he's un american, he's a mean guy" Basically someone was just looking for something to rag on the other party. Think of it this way, guys, you know when a girl tells you "I love you" you can tell by the rest of how they are talking if they really do just love you, or if they're a fucking lunatic stalker wanting to tie you up and bake herself a cake out of your socks and underwear. It's just one of those things where you understand the whole picture of what someone says even when they just say 3-4 words.

Now I for one wouldn't have even considered putting things so nicely as Rush does when he speaks of obama and that's as far as I will go about our "great leader" as I wouldn't like to end up on an FBI watchlist. ;)

What policies exactly? I would like a word for word quote. That and how the country is worse off because of what Obama did. I have a feeling all I am going to hear is mis quotes and flat out made up scenarios.

I am bombarded every day with "Obama said this" and Obama is going to that" and the biggest without any proof "Obama is a commie running us to the ground".

What are you guys going to do when his policies straiten everything out?

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She is a moron.

Her jokes aren't funny, and these were really old material anyway. How is it funny to make fun of September 11th? How is it funny to wish someone DEATH from Kidney failure??

How should we as Americans feel that OUR PRESIDENT Laughed at these jokes?!?!?!? He thinks 9-11 jokes are funny... and he thinks that it is OK to wish death upon someone just because politically he doesn't agree with their stance. I thought that the term was "Liberal"??? Doesn't sound too liberal to me.

you are wayyyyy to serious. im glad our president has a sence of humor.


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