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Don't Know What To Do, Need Advice

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My roomate is a drunk. Real bad drunk. Moved in with him last summer not knowing and he drank every single day (except for a day he painted on got high on the fumes) nonstop. Once we were both drinking and having a fire in the back yard and he got upset and came after me. I grabbed his wrists and did not want to fight or get hurt but he ended up scratching under my eye and ruining a good shirt.

He begged me not to call the cops because he was wasted and had a history of abusing some women here or there (of course he claims he was framed). Anyhow, that crisis got averted but I've been wary since.

Last night he's on a bender. He gets up at 345 am and turns on his tv in his room just blaring some black and white movie. I can hear Sir Edward Elgar's Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1 of 1902 as loud as hell and crappy old time sound effects of a buzzer, glass breaking, all this noise.

I ask him twice to turn it down he sorta does and turns it back up. Then I go ask again and he comes out "Ok let's go!" This time I'm sober and ready but still not wanting any trouble. He starts screaming and coming at me (we are both big hairy guys but he is bigger than me, although fatter mostly and taller) and eventually he said again "Get back in your room!" like I'm some dog.

I push him back. He says "You punched me!" and comes at me. I grab his wrists and try to keep him back. Just like before. This time I don't want an eye scratch or any marks. So I head butt him.

Dropped him off at the emergency room for stitches. He's in bad shape. Blood everywhere.

Police just came. They congratulated me after I thought they were about to arrest me. They saw I was sober and said "Good headbutt" a few times and left. The suggest an unlawful retainer or whatever.

Only 3 months left on the lease and I'm in no shape to move now or lose money here.

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not worth the trouble of a pissed off, embarased, drunk roomate coming back and going ape shit and coming after you or destroying your shit

Build: http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/ind...hl=avalon+build

monster/rockford/kicker/stinger cables, pioneer source, jbl highs/amps, kinetik/shuriken batts, iraggi alt, dei security, dc subs(atleast for now)

Team DC

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